class Mod_DecatessaradimensionalLoungeAlertationAndRolinationManagerator < Vrobot4::Module::Module def self.type() "DTL" end Vrobot4::Module.add_module_type self, server: "Discord" def initialize info super register :c_setnotify, "setnotify", "Adds you to a notification group." register :c_unsetnotify, "unsetnotify", "Removes you from a notification group." register :c_listnotify, "listnotify", "Lists available notification groups." register :c_notify, "notify", "Notifies a notification group."! {|id| id.resolve_id} end def ensure_role m if m.user.real.roles.empty? m.user.real.add_role 388350737308188684.resolve_id true else false end end def get_role m, argv roles = m.chan.real.server.roles role = roles.find {|r| argv} unless role and @info.any? {|id| == id} raise ArgumentError, "Invalid notification group, use `.listnotify` for a list of available groups." end role end def on_message m ensure_role m false end def c_setnotify m, argv ensure_role m m.user.real.add_role get_role(m, argv) m.reply "Successfully added you to the notification group." end def c_unsetnotify m, argv m.user.real.remove_role get_role(m, argv) m.reply "Successfully removed you from the notification group." end def c_notify m, arg return unless m.user.real.role? 388350774788358147.resolve_id argv = arg.split(',', 2) role = get_role(m, argv[0]) role.mentionable = true if argv[1] m.reply role.mention + " - " + argv[1].strip else m.reply role.mention end role.mentionable = false end def c_listnotify m, argv text = "" for role in @info do text << m.chan.real.server.role(role).name + "\n" end m.reply text end end ## EOF