fix limitations of .marble

an 2020-01-16 20:46:18 -05:00
parent 2f38ed3f43
commit 6a0d9aa9b0
1 changed files with 3 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -34,16 +34,14 @@ class Mod_Fun < Vrobot4::Module::Module
def c_marble m, argv
check_args argv, "N"
if argv.empty? then n = 20
if argv.empty? then n = rand(20)
else n = argv.to_i end
if m.serv.flags.include? ?L and n > 200 then n = 200
elsif n > 1000 then n = 1000 end
elsif n > 1900 then n = 1900 end
text = ?m
for i in (0..rand(n) + 1)
n.times do ||
text << [?a, ?r, ?u].sample
text << ?b