//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright © 2016 Project Golan // // See "LICENSE" for more information. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Idgames search module. // .idgames // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Net; using System.Web; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Linq; namespace ProjectGolan.Vrobot3.Modules { // // Mod_Idgames // public class Mod_Idgames : IBotModule { static readonly String APIURI = "http://doomworld.com/idgames/api/api.php"; private Random rnd = Utils.GetRND(); // // Mod_Idgames constructor // public Mod_Idgames(Bot bot_) : base(bot_) { commands["idgames"] = new BotCommandStructure{ cmd = cmdIdgames, help = "Gets an entry from the idgames archive.\n" + "Syntax: .idgames [name or ID[, type[, position]]]\n" + "Example: .idgames scythe, filename, 4\n" + "Example: .idgames" }; } // // cmdIdgames // public void cmdIdgames(User usr, Channel channel, String msg) { String[] args = Utils.GetArguments(msg, commands["idgames"].help, 0, 3); switch(args.Length) { case 1: int id; if(args[0].Trim().Length == 0) idgamesRandom(usr, channel); else if(Int32.TryParse(args[0], out id)) idgamesID(usr, channel, id); else idgames(usr, channel, args[0]); break; case 2: idgames(usr, channel, args[0], args[1]); break; case 3: if(args[2].Trim().ToLower() == "random") idgames(usr, channel, args[0], args[1], "random"); else idgames(usr, channel, args[0], args[1], args[2].Trim()); break; } } // // idgamesRandom // private void idgamesRandom(User usr, Channel channel) { var req = WebRequest.Create("http://doomworld.com/idgames/?random") as HttpWebRequest; req.Referer = "http://doomworld.com/idgames/"; bot.message(channel, Discord.Format.Escape(req.GetResponse().ResponseUri.ToString())); } // // idgamesID // private void idgamesID(User usr, Channel channel, int id) { var req = WebRequest.Create(APIURI + "?action=get&id=" + id) as HttpWebRequest; using(var response = req.GetResponse()) { var xml = XDocument.Load(response.GetResponseStream()); var x_title = from item in xml.Descendants("title") select item.Value; var x_uri = from item in xml.Descendants("url") select item.Value; if(!x_title.Any()) { bot.message(channel, "Nothing found."); return; } bot.message(channel, Discord.Format.Escape(x_title.First() + ": " + x_uri.First())); } } // // idgames // private void idgames(User usr, Channel channel, String inquiry, String type = "title", String pos = "1") { int ipos = 0; if(pos != "random") { Utils.TryParse(pos, "Invalid position.", out ipos); if(ipos < 1) throw new CommandArgumentException("Invalid position."); ipos = ipos - 1; } inquiry = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(inquiry.Trim()); type = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(type.Trim().ToLower()); if(type == "name") type = "title"; // >_>' String[] validtypes = { "filename", "title", "author", "email", "description", "credits", "editors", "textfile" }; if(!validtypes.Contains(type)) throw new CommandArgumentException("Invalid inquiry type."); String uri = APIURI + "?action=search&sort=rating&query=" + inquiry + "&type=" + type; var req = WebRequest.Create(uri); Console.WriteLine("idgames query: {0}", uri); using(var response = req.GetResponse()) { var xml = XDocument.Load(response.GetResponseStream()); var x_titles = from item in xml.Descendants("title") select item.Value; var x_uris = from item in xml.Descendants("url") select item.Value; if(!x_titles.Any()) { bot.message(channel, "Nothing found."); return; } if(pos == "random") ipos = rnd.Next(0, x_titles.Count()); if(ipos >= x_titles.Count()) ipos = x_titles.Count() - 1; String title = x_titles.ElementAtOrDefault(ipos); if(title.Trim().Length > 0) title = "[ " + title + " ] "; bot.message(channel, Discord.Format.Escape(String.Format("({0} of {1}{4} {2}{3}", ipos + 1, x_titles.Count(), title, x_uris.ElementAtOrDefault(ipos), x_titles.Count() >= 100 ? "+)" : ")"))); } } } }