add default and states block highlighting

an 2018-11-07 08:26:17 -05:00
parent ea23bb47fe
commit 0775c177ee
1 changed files with 88 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -2,60 +2,110 @@
" Language: ZScript
" Maintainer: Marrub
if exists("b:current_syntax")
if exists('b:current_syntax') | fini | en
let b:current_syntax = "zscript"
let b:current_syntax="zscript"
syn case ignore
sy case ignore
syn keyword zscType int8 uint8 int16 uint16 int uint float double float32 float64 string vector2 vector3 bool textureid spriteid statelabel void array map voidptr let
" Class Definitions ----------------------------------------------------------|
syn keyword zscStorage class struct enum const property default states extend
sy keyword zscType int8 uint8 int16 uint16 int uint float double float32 float64 string vector2 vector3 bool textureid spriteid statelabel void array map voidptr let
syn keyword zscFlag abstract ui play replaces native version clearscope private protected meta transient readonly deprecated static virtualscope virtual override final action vararg internal
sy keyword zscStorage class struct enum const property extend
syn keyword zscStatement in out sizeof alignof is new self invoker
syn match zscStatement "#include"
sy keyword zscFlag abstract ui play replaces native version clearscope private protected meta transient readonly deprecated static virtualscope virtual override final action vararg internal
syn keyword zscConstant false true null
sy keyword zscStatement in out sizeof alignof is new self invoker
sy match zscStatement "#include"
syn keyword zscTodo contained TODO FIXME
syn region zscComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=zscTodo,@Spell
syn match zscComment "//.*$" contains=zscTodo,@Spell
sy keyword zscConstant false true null
syn keyword zscLabel case
syn match zscLabel display +^\s*\I\i*\s*:\([^:]\)\@=+
sy keyword zscTodo contained TODO FIXME
syn keyword zscConditional else if switch
sy region zscComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=zscTodo,@Spell
sy match zscComment "//.*$" contains=zscTodo,@Spell
syn keyword zscRepeat break continue do for goto return while until
sy keyword zscLabel case
syn match zscNumber "\<\(0[0-7]*\|0[xX]\x\+\|\d\+\)[lL]\=\>"
syn match zscNumber "\(\<\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\)\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fF]\="
syn match zscNumber "\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[fF]\=\>"
syn match zscNumber "\<\d\+\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fF]\>"
sy keyword zscConditional else if switch
syn match zscSpecialChar contained +\\["\\'0abcfnrtvx]+
sy keyword zscRepeat break continue do for goto return while until
syn region zscString start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ contains=zscSpecialChar,@Spell
syn region zscName start=+'+ end=+'+ end=+$+
sy match zscNumber "\<\(0[0-7]*\|0[xX]\x\+\|\d\+\)[lL]\=\>"
sy match zscNumber "\(\<\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\)\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fF]\="
sy match zscNumber "\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[fF]\=\>"
sy match zscNumber "\<\d\+\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fF]\>"
syn keyword zscOperator cross dot
sy match zscSpecialChar contained +\\["\\'0abcfnrtvx]+
hi def link zscType Type
hi def link zscStorage StorageClass
hi def link zscFlag StorageClass
hi def link zscLabel Label
hi def link zscConstant Constant
hi def link zscComment Comment
sy region zscString start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ contains=zscSpecialChar,@Spell
sy region zscName start=+'+ end=+'+ end=+$+
sy keyword zscOperator cross dot
sy cluster ZscCode contains=zscOperator,zscName,zscString,zscNumber,zscRepeat,zscConditional,zscLabel,zscComment,zscConstant,zscStatement,zscFlag,zscStorage,zscType
" State Definitions ----------------------------------------------------------|
sy match zscStateNum /\<-\=\d\+\>/ contained
sy match zscStateLabel /\h\w*:/ contained
sy keyword zscStateType goto loop wait stop fail contained
sy keyword zscStateParam bright canraise fast light nodelay offset slow contained
sy match zscStateSta /\S\{4}\s\+\S\+\s\+\(\d\+\|random(\s*\d\+\s*,\s*\d\+\s*)\)\(\s\+bright\|\s\+canraise\|\s\+fast\|\s\+nodelay\|\s\+slow\|\s\+light\s*(\s*"[^"]*"\s*)\|\s\+offset\s*(\s*\(\d\|-\|+\)\+\s*,\s*\(\d\|-\|+\)\+\s*)\)*/ skipwhite skipempty contained contains=zscStateParam,zscStateNum nextgroup=zscStateBlk,zscStateFcn
sy match zscStateFcn /\w\+/ contained contains=@ZscCode nextgroup=zscStatePrn
sy region zscStatePrn transparent fold start=+(+ end=+)+ contained contains=@ZscCode,zscStatePrn
sy region zscStateBlk transparent fold start=+{+ end=+}+ contained contains=@ZscCode,zscStateBlk
sy cluster ZscStates contains=zscStateSta,zscStateType,zscStateLabel
" Actor Default Definitions --------------------------------------------------|
sy match zscDeftDefn /\(\w\+\.\=\)\+/ skipwhite skipempty contained nextgroup=zscDeftSet
sy match zscDeftSet /.*;/ contained contains=@ZscCode
sy match zscDeftFlag /\(-\|+\)\(\w\+\.\=\)\+/ contained
sy cluster ZscDefaults contains=zscDeftDefn,zscDeftFlag
" Blocks ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
sy keyword zscStatesSta states skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=zscStatesMid,zscStatesEnd
sy match zscStatesMid /(\(actor\|overlay\|weapon\|item\))/ skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=zscStatesEnd
sy region zscStatesEnd start=+{+ end=+}+ skipwhite skipempty contained contains=@ZscStates
sy keyword zscDefaultSta default skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=zscDefaultEnd
sy region zscDefaultEnd start=+{+ end=+}+ skipwhite skipempty contained contains=@ZscDefaults
" Highlighting ---------------------------------------------------------------|
hi def link zscStatesSta StorageClass
hi def link zscDefaultSta StorageClass
hi def link zscDeftDefn Special
hi def link zscDeftFlag Tag
hi def link zscStateNum Number
hi def link zscStateLabel Label
hi def link zscStateParam StorageClass
hi def link zscStateType Conditional
hi def link zscType Type
hi def link zscStorage StorageClass
hi def link zscFlag StorageClass
hi def link zscLabel Label
hi def link zscConstant Constant
hi def link zscComment Comment
hi def link zscConditional Conditional
hi def link zscRepeat Repeat
hi def link zscNumber Number
hi def link zscString String
hi def link zscName String
hi def link zscOperator Operator
hi def link zscStatement Statement
hi def link zscRepeat Repeat
hi def link zscNumber Number
hi def link zscString String
hi def link zscName String
hi def link zscOperator Operator
hi def link zscStatement Statement