Alison Watson 6928c2f898 + add aesthetic fixes for small hud font to make it consistent with the big hud font
+ add option to add a projectile to timon's axe (splits mana use)
+ add option to speed up sapphire wand
+ make pickup flashes bright
+ make sapphire wand's trail look more like the explosion
+ add option to display a detailed quest log on the automap
+ make ettins and centaurs not play a hit sound when missing
+ add an option to set the behaviour of centaurs to make them more vulnerable
+ add an option to make players shatter frozen enemies on touch
+ add an option to change the sapphire wand's damage function
+ make sapphire wand's projectile appear at the proper height
+ add an option to change the frost spell's damage function
+ add an option to make bloodscourge's projectiles foil invulnerability
2022-07-10 07:24:30 -06:00

50 lines
1.1 KiB

class VhtFWeapAxe : FWeapAxe replaces FWeapAxe {
override void beginPlay() {
if(vht_faxe_projectile) {
ammoUse1 = 1;
action void vhtFAxeAttack() {
if(!player) return;
if(vht_faxe_projectile) {
let wep = player.readyWeapon;
if(wep.ammo1 && wep.ammo1.amount > 0) {
states {
FAXE N 4 offset(15, 32);
FAXE O 3 offset(15, 32);
FAXE P 2 offset(15, 32);
FAXE P 1 offset(-5, 70) vhtFAxeAttack;
FAXE P 2 offset(-25, 90);
FAXE Q 1 offset(15, 32);
FAXE Q 2 offset(10, 54);
FAXE Q 7 offset(10, 150);
FAXE A 1 offset(0, 60) a_reFire;
FAXE A 1 offset(0, 52);
FAXE A 1 offset(0, 44);
FAXE A 1 offset(0, 36);
goto ReadyGlow;
class VhtMWeapWand : MWeapWand replaces MWeapWand {
states {
MWND A 0 a_setTics(6 - clamp(vht_mwand_speed, 0, 6));
MWND B 0 bright offset(0, 48) {
a_setTics(6 - clamp(vht_mwand_speed, 0, 6));
MWND A 3 offset(0, 40);
MWND A 3 offset(0, 36) a_reFire;
goto Ready;