[en default] OPTMNU_VHT = "Vanilla Hexen Tweaks"; OB_VHTFWEAPAXE = "%o rode the axe-lightning from %k."; VHT_FAXE_PROJECTILE = "Timon's Axe Also Fires a Projectile"; VHT_MWAND_DAMAGEFUNC = "Wand Damage Function"; VHT_MWAND_SPEED = "Wand Speed Increase"; VHT_MFROST_DAMAGEFUNC = "Frost Shards Damage Function"; VHT_MBLOODSCOURGE_FOILINVUL = "Bloodscourge Foils Invulnerability"; VHT_PLAYER_TOUCHSHATTER = "Shatter Frozen Enemies On Touch"; VHT_PLAYER_QUESTLOG = "Enable Quest Log"; VHT_PLAYER_QUESTLOGPLURAL = "Quest Log First-Person Pronouns (English)"; VHT_PLAYER_SCRUTESWITCH = "Add Messages For Unmarked Switches"; VHT_MONSTER_CENTAUR = "Centaur Behaviour"; VHT_OPT_CONSTANT = "Constant"; VHT_OPT_MODIFIED = "Modified"; VHT_OPT_VANILLA = "Vanilla"; VHT_OPT_NOREFLECT = "No Projectile Reflection"; VHT_OPT_ANGLED = "No Reflection, Vulnerable Back"; VHT_OPT_SINGULAR = "I/me/my"; VHT_OPT_PLURAL = "we/our/us"; VHT_OPT_PLURAL2 = "we&/our&/us&"; VHT_SWI_5_1275 = "the path to the left lever opens"; VHT_SWI_5_1283 = "the path to the right lever opens"; VHT_QST_1_0 = "@ must find the emerald key\n" "and get through the stronghold.\n" "@' note says, 'it lays beyond\n" "a stained warrior.'"; VHT_QST_1_1 = "the chapel stands tall and\n" "proud in the name of sin,\n" "but its doors stay locked.\n" "@ must find the silver key."; VHT_QST_1_2 = "@ need to ring the chapel's bell,\n" "to call for the doom about\n" "to befall cronos, and to build\n" "a path forward."; VHT_QST_1_3 = "now, @ must find @' way to\n" "the first step -- the seven portals.\n" "\cr@ will not be able to return."; VHT_QST_2_0 = "the first step on @' journey\n" "shall be to get through the guardians\n" "which seal the realm beyond.\n" "\n" "the portals once meant to defend cronos\n" "from invasion now merely keep @= from\n" "delivering justice unto it."; VHT_QST_2_1 = "with the guardian of ice opened,\n" "two more paths become available to @=:\n" "- guardian of fire: %i/1\n" "- guardian of steel: %i/2"; VHT_QST_3_0 = "all that seems to be left here is\n" "a switch, and some portals... perhaps\n" "all @ need is to pass through here for now."; VHT_QST_3_1 = "there doesn't seem to be anything here\n" "for @= right now."; VHT_QST_4_FireMask = "\n\cfthere should be a fiery artifact here."; VHT_QST_4_0 = "there should be a lever somewhere within."; VHT_QST_4_1 = "the lever is pulled."; VHT_QST_5_0 = "there should be two levers here."; VHT_QST_5_1 = "the levers have been pulled.";