# Siftie Snippets ## Running locally - Clone the repo. - `cd snippets` - `python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/snippets` - `source ~/.virtualenvs/snippets/bin/activate` - `pip install -r requirements.txt` - `brew install postgresql` - `brew services start postgresql` - `createuser snippets` - `createdb snippets --owner=snippets` - `cp settings_local.py-template settings_local.py` // modify if necessary - `brew install elasticsearch` - `brew services start elasticsearch` - `curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/haystack?pretty"` - `python manage.py update_index` // optional if you have a local DB dump with snippets - `make run` ## Deploying on Dokku - `dokku apps:create snippets` - `dokku postgres:create snippets` - `dokku postgres:link snippets snippets` - `scp snipt.dump nsergeant@server.nicksergeant.com:/home/nsergeant` - `dokku postgres:connect snippets < snipt.dump` - `dokku domains:add snippets snippets.siftie.com` - `dokku config:set DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=team@siftie.com SECRET_KEY= USE_SSL=true` - `git remote add dokku dokku@server.nicksergeant.com:snippets` - `git push dokku` - Elasticsearch 2.x only! ## Automatic deploy to Heroku You can click the button below to automatically deploy Siftie Snippets to Heroku. [![Deploy](https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.svg)](https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/siftie/snippets) ## Manual deploy to Heroku - Clone the repo. - `heroku create` - `heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev` - `heroku addons:add searchbox` - `heroku config:add SECRET_KEY=` - `git push heroku` - `heroku run python manage.py migrate` - `heroku run python manage.py createsuperuser` - Visit yourapp.herokuapp.com and login with the user you just created. ## Updating your Heroku instance after an automatic deploy - `git clone https://github.com/siftie/snippets` - `cd snippets` - `git checkout heroku` - `heroku git:remote -a ` - `git push heroku heroku:master` ## Options If you want email support (for password resets, server errors, etc): - `heroku addons:create postmark:10k` - `heroku run addons:open postmark` -> use an email you control and confirm it - `heroku config:add POSTMARK_EMAIL=` If you want to disable user-facing signup: - `heroku config:set DISABLE_SIGNUP=true` If you want to enable Django's DEBUG mode: - `heroku config:add DEBUG=true` If you want to enable SSL on a custom domain after you've configured your Heroku SSL cert: - `heroku config:add USE_SSL=true`