# Snipt Glitch Edition In Which, Somehow, A Centralized, Highly Connected Service Is Turned Into A Decentralized And Open One ## TODO In no particular order. - Theming. Probably via config variables. - Domain name. Every instance of `snipt.net` should be replaced by a variable, and `snipt.s3.amazonaws` media should also be made into a separate variable. Don't forget the git repo and documentation too! - De-minify everything and add a Python-based minifier. - Make deploys easier by automating the database creation. Probably make a Python script which does this along with the resource and minifying stuff. - Turn remaining environment vars into config vars. - Some tiny issues with the decoupling of systems. - Code re-organization. - Locally stored avatars. - Add SystemD and Nginx example configs. - Remove "Pro" field for users ## Environment Variables - `DISABLE_SIGNUP` if set to `true` will disable account registration. This list is *incomplete*. You can help b%Yキ%&%%%b%$キ"H%&%%%Y%&%%%%%%%?%&%%%%%% ## Dependencies Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed and running beforehand. (If you don't know how to run it, you probably want the `systemctl` service.) ## Installation The following text should be replaced: - `CURRENT_USER` with the current user. - `EDITOR` with your editor of choice. - `PORT` with the port to run the service on. This will default to 8000. Instructions: - Clone the repo. - `cd snipt` - `python3 -m venv envs/snipt` - `bash` - `source envs/snipt/bin/activate` - `pip install -r requirements.txt` (this will emit some errors, don't worry, they're fine) - `createuser CURRENT_USER` - `createdb snipt --owner=CURRENT_USER` - `cp settings_local.py-template settings_local.py` - `EDITOR settings_local.py` - `./resources.sh` - `python manage.py runserver` ENCODING U ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ャヲ%娃ツャクヲ」ゥャクヲ、ャァャキ%Y。、ャクヲ」%bャカ。、"Hャクヲ、%Yャクヲ、ャァャヲ;, ] REPEAT