
993 lines
33 KiB

* Copyright 2017 Jos van den Oever <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
* accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
* by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
* defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "structs.h"
#include "cpp.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include <QMetaEnum>
template <typename T>
QString cppSetType(const T& p)
if (p.optional) {
return "option_" + p.type.cppSetType;
return p.type.cppSetType;
QString upperInitial(const QString& name) {
return name.left(1).toUpper() + name.mid(1);
QString lowerInitial(const QString& name) {
return name.left(1).toLower() + name.mid(1);
QString writeProperty(const QString& name) {
return "WRITE set" + upperInitial(name) + " ";
QString baseType(const Object& o) {
if (o.type != ObjectType::Object) {
return "QAbstractItemModel";
return "QObject";
QString cGetType(const BindingTypeProperties& type) {
return + "*, " + + "_set";
bool modelIsWritable(const Object& o) {
bool write = false;
for (auto ip: o.itemProperties) {
write |= ip.write;
return write;
void writeHeaderItemModel(QTextStream& h, const Object& o) {
h << QString(R"(
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &index) const override;
bool hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
bool canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
void fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) override;
Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const override;
void sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder) override;
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;
QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
bool setHeaderData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override;
Q_INVOKABLE bool insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) override;
Q_INVOKABLE bool removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) override;
if (modelIsWritable(o)) {
h << " bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override;\n";
for (auto ip: o.itemProperties) {
if (o.type == ObjectType::List) {
h << QString(" Q_INVOKABLE QVariant %1(int row) const;\n").arg(;
if (ip.write) {
h << QString(" Q_INVOKABLE bool set%1(int row, const QVariant& value);\n").arg(upperInitial(;
} else {
h << QString(" Q_INVOKABLE QVariant %1(const QModelIndex& index) const;\n").arg(;
if (ip.write) {
h << QString(" Q_INVOKABLE bool set%1(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value);\n").arg(upperInitial(;
h << R"(
// new data is ready to be made available to the model with fetchMore()
void newDataReady(const QModelIndex &parent) const;
QHash<QPair<int,Qt::ItemDataRole>, QVariant> m_headerData;
void initHeaderData();
bool isColumnWrite(const Object& o, int col) {
for (auto ip: o.itemProperties) {
if (ip.write && ip.roles.size() > col && ip.roles[col].size() > 0) {
return true;
return false;
void writeModelGetterSetter(QTextStream& cpp, const QString& index,
const ItemProperty& ip, const Object& o) {
const QString lcname(snakeCase(;
QString idx = index;
// getter
if (o.type == ObjectType::List) {
idx = ", row";
cpp << QString("QVariant %1::%2(int row) const\n{\n")
} else {
cpp << QString("QVariant %1::%2(const QModelIndex& index) const\n{\n")
cpp << " QVariant v;\n";
if ( == "QString") {
cpp << " QString s;\n";
cpp << QString(" %1_data_%2(m_d%4, &s, set_%3);\n")
.arg(lcname, snakeCase(,, idx);
cpp << " if (!s.isNull()) v.setValue<QString>(s);\n";
} else if ( == "QByteArray") {
cpp << " QByteArray b;\n";
cpp << QString(" %1_data_%2(m_d%4, &b, set_%3);\n")
.arg(lcname, snakeCase(,, idx);
cpp << " if (!b.isNull()) v.setValue<QByteArray>(b);\n";
} else {
cpp << QString(" v = %1_data_%2(m_d%3);\n")
.arg(lcname, snakeCase(, idx);
cpp << " return v;\n";
cpp << "}\n\n";
if (!ip.write) {
// setter
if (o.type == ObjectType::List) {
idx = ", row";
cpp << QString("bool %1::set%2(int row, const QVariant& value)\n{\n")
.arg(, upperInitial(;
} else {
cpp << QString("bool %1::set%2(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value)\n{\n")
.arg(, upperInitial(;
cpp << " bool set = false;\n";
if (ip.optional) {
QString test = "!value.isValid()";
if (ip.type.isComplex()) {
test += " || value.isNull()";
cpp << " if (" << test << ") {\n";
cpp << QString(" set = %1_set_data_%2_none(m_d%3);")
.arg(lcname, snakeCase(, idx) << endl;
cpp << " } else\n";
QString val = QString("value.value<%1>()").arg(;
cpp << QString(" set = %1_set_data_%2(m_d%3, %4);")
.arg(lcname, snakeCase(, idx, val) << endl;
if (o.type == ObjectType::List) {
cpp << R"( if (set) {
QModelIndex index = createIndex(row, 0, row);
emit dataChanged(index, index);
return set;
} else {
cpp << R"( if (set) {
emit dataChanged(index, index);
return set;
void writeCppModel(QTextStream& cpp, const Object& o) {
const QString lcname(snakeCase(;
QString indexDecl = ", int";
QString index = ", index.row()";
if (o.type == ObjectType::Tree) {
indexDecl = ", quintptr";
index = ", index.internalId()";
cpp << "extern \"C\" {\n";
for (auto ip: o.itemProperties) {
if (ip.type.isComplex()) {
cpp << QString(" void %2_data_%3(const %1::Private*%5, %4);\n")
.arg(, lcname, snakeCase(, cGetType(ip.type), indexDecl);
} else {
cpp << QString(" %4 %2_data_%3(const %1::Private*%5);\n")
.arg(, lcname, snakeCase(, cppSetType(ip), indexDecl);
if (ip.write) {
cpp << QString(" bool %2_set_data_%3(%1::Private*%5, %4);")
.arg(, lcname, snakeCase(, ip.type.cSetType, indexDecl) << endl;
if (ip.optional) {
cpp << QString(" bool %2_set_data_%3_none(%1::Private*%4);")
.arg(, lcname, snakeCase(, indexDecl) << endl;
cpp << QString(" void %2_sort(%1::Private*, unsigned char column, Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder);\n").arg(, lcname);
if (o.type == ObjectType::List) {
cpp << QString(R"(
int %2_row_count(const %1::Private*);
bool %2_insert_rows(%1::Private*, int, int);
bool %2_remove_rows(%1::Private*, int, int);
bool %2_can_fetch_more(const %1::Private*);
void %2_fetch_more(%1::Private*);
int %1::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return (parent.isValid()) ? 0 : %3;
bool %1::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return rowCount(parent) > 0;
int %1::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return (parent.isValid()) ? 0 : %2_row_count(m_d);
bool %1::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
return %2_insert_rows(m_d, row, count);
bool %1::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
return %2_remove_rows(m_d, row, count);
QModelIndex %1::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (!parent.isValid() && row >= 0 && row < rowCount(parent) && column >= 0 && column < %3) {
return createIndex(row, column, (quintptr)row);
return QModelIndex();
QModelIndex %1::parent(const QModelIndex &) const
return QModelIndex();
bool %1::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return (parent.isValid()) ? 0 : %2_can_fetch_more(m_d);
void %1::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent)
if (!parent.isValid()) {
)").arg(, lcname, QString::number(o.columnCount));
} else {
cpp << QString(R"(
int %2_row_count(const %1::Private*, quintptr, bool);
bool %2_can_fetch_more(const %1::Private*, quintptr, bool);
void %2_fetch_more(%1::Private*, quintptr, bool);
quintptr %2_index(const %1::Private*, quintptr, bool, int);
qmodelindex_t %2_parent(const %1::Private*, quintptr);
int %2_row(const %1::Private*, quintptr);
int %1::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const
return %3;
bool %1::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return rowCount(parent) > 0;
int %1::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid() && parent.column() != 0) {
return 0;
return %2_row_count(m_d, parent.internalId(), parent.isValid());
bool %1::insertRows(int, int, const QModelIndex &)
return false; // not supported yet
bool %1::removeRows(int, int, const QModelIndex &)
return false; // not supported yet
QModelIndex %1::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (row < 0 || column < 0 || column >= %3) {
return QModelIndex();
if (parent.isValid() && parent.column() != 0) {
return QModelIndex();
if (row >= rowCount(parent)) {
return QModelIndex();
const quintptr id = %2_index(m_d, parent.internalId(), parent.isValid(), row);
return createIndex(row, column, id);
QModelIndex %1::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (!index.isValid()) {
return QModelIndex();
const qmodelindex_t parent = %2_parent(m_d, index.internalId());
return parent.row >= 0 ?createIndex(parent.row, 0, :QModelIndex();
bool %1::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid() && parent.column() != 0) {
return false;
return %2_can_fetch_more(m_d, parent.internalId(), parent.isValid());
void %1::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent)
%2_fetch_more(m_d, parent.internalId(), parent.isValid());
)").arg(, lcname, QString::number(o.columnCount));
cpp << QString(R"(
void %1::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
%2_sort(m_d, column, order);
Qt::ItemFlags %1::flags(const QModelIndex &i) const
auto flags = QAbstractItemModel::flags(i);
)").arg(, lcname);
for (int col = 0; col < o.columnCount; ++col) {
if (isColumnWrite(o, col)) {
cpp << " if (i.column() == " << col << ") {\n";
cpp << " flags |= Qt::ItemIsEditable;\n }\n";
cpp << " return flags;\n}\n\n";
for (auto ip: o.itemProperties) {
writeModelGetterSetter(cpp, index, ip, o);
cpp << QString(R"(QVariant %1::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
Q_ASSERT(rowCount(index.parent()) > index.row());
switch (index.column()) {
auto metaRoles = QMetaEnum::fromType<Qt::ItemDataRole>();
for (int col = 0; col < o.columnCount; ++col) {
cpp << QString(" case %1:\n").arg(col);
cpp << QString(" switch (role) {\n");
for (int i = 0; i < o.itemProperties.size(); ++i) {
auto ip = o.itemProperties[i];
auto roles = ip.roles.value(col);
if (col > 0 && roles.size() == 0) {
for (auto role: roles) {
cpp << QString(" case Qt::%1:\n").arg(metaRoles.valueToKey(role));
cpp << QString(" case Qt::UserRole + %1:\n").arg(i);
if (o.type == ObjectType::List) {
cpp << QString(" return %1(index.row());\n").arg(;
} else {
cpp << QString(" return %1(index);\n").arg(;
cpp << " }\n";
cpp << " }\n return QVariant();\n}\n\n";
cpp << "QHash<int, QByteArray> " << << "::roleNames() const {\n";
cpp << " QHash<int, QByteArray> names = QAbstractItemModel::roleNames();\n";
for (int i = 0; i < o.itemProperties.size(); ++i) {
auto ip = o.itemProperties[i];
cpp << " names.insert(Qt::UserRole + " << i << ", \"" << << "\");\n";
cpp << " return names;\n";
cpp << QString(R"(}
QVariant %1::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (orientation != Qt::Horizontal) {
return QVariant();
return m_headerData.value(qMakePair(section, (Qt::ItemDataRole)role), role == Qt::DisplayRole ?QString::number(section + 1) :QVariant());
bool %1::setHeaderData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &value, int role)
if (orientation != Qt::Horizontal) {
return false;
m_headerData.insert(qMakePair(section, (Qt::ItemDataRole)role), value);
return true;
if (modelIsWritable(o)) {
cpp << QString("bool %1::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)\n{\n").arg(;
for (int col = 0; col < o.columnCount; ++col) {
if (!isColumnWrite(o, col)) {
cpp << " if (index.column() == " << col << ") {\n";
for (int i = 0; i < o.itemProperties.size(); ++i) {
auto ip = o.itemProperties[i];
if (!ip.write) {
auto roles = ip.roles.value(col);
if (col > 0 && roles.size() == 0) {
cpp << " if (";
for (auto role: roles) {
cpp << QString("role == Qt::%1 || ").arg(metaRoles.valueToKey(role));
cpp << "role == Qt::UserRole + " << i << ") {\n";
if (o.type == ObjectType::List) {
cpp << QString(" return set%1(index.row(), value);\n")
} else {
cpp << QString(" return set%1(index, value);\n")
cpp << " }\n";
cpp << " }\n";
cpp << " return false;\n}\n\n";
void writeHeaderObject(QTextStream& h, const Object& o, const Configuration& conf) {
h << QString(R"(
class %1 : public %3
)").arg(, "T", baseType(o));
for (auto object: conf.objects) {
if (object.containsObject() && != {
h << " friend class " << << ";\n";
h << R"(public:
class Private;
for (auto p: {
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
h << " " << << "* const m_" << << ";\n";
h << R"( Private * m_d;
bool m_ownsPrivate;
for (auto p: {
bool obj = p.type.type == BindingType::Object;
h << QString(" Q_PROPERTY(%1 %2 READ %2 %3NOTIFY %2Changed FINAL)")
.arg( + (obj ?"*" :""),,
p.write ? writeProperty( :"")
<< endl;
h << QString(R"( explicit %1(bool owned, QObject *parent);
explicit %1(QObject *parent = nullptr);
for (auto p: {
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
h << " const " << << "* " << << "() const;" << endl;
h << " " << << "* " << << "();" << endl;
} else {
h << " " << << " " << << "() const;" << endl;
if (p.write) {
h << " void set" << upperInitial( << "(" << p.type.cppSetType << " v);" << endl;
for (auto f: o.functions) {
h << " Q_INVOKABLE " << << " " << << "(";
for (auto a = f.args.begin(); a < f.args.end(); a++) {
h << QString("%1 %2%3").arg(a->type.cppSetType, a->name, a + 1 < f.args.end() ? ", " : "");
h << QString(")%1;")
.arg(f.mut ? "" : " const");
h << endl;
if (baseType(o) == "QAbstractItemModel") {
writeHeaderItemModel(h, o);
h << "signals:" << endl;
for (auto p: {
h << " void " << << "Changed();" << endl;
h << "};" << endl;
void constructorArgsDecl(QTextStream& cpp, const Object& o, const Configuration& conf) {
cpp << << "*";
for (auto p: {
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
cpp << QString(", ");
constructorArgsDecl(cpp, conf.findObject(, conf);
} else {
cpp << QString(", void (*)(%1*)").arg(;
if (o.type == ObjectType::List) {
cpp << QString(R"(,
void (*)(const %1*),
void (*)(%1*, quintptr, quintptr),
void (*)(%1*),
void (*)(%1*),
void (*)(%1*, int, int),
void (*)(%1*),
void (*)(%1*, int, int),
void (*)(%1*))").arg(;
if (o.type == ObjectType::Tree) {
cpp << QString(R"(,
void (*)(const %1*, quintptr, bool),
void (*)(%1*, quintptr, quintptr),
void (*)(%1*),
void (*)(%1*),
void (*)(%1*, option_quintptr, int, int),
void (*)(%1*),
void (*)(%1*, option_quintptr, int, int),
void (*)(%1*))").arg(;
QString changedF(const Object& o, const Property& p) {
return lowerInitial( + upperInitial( + "Changed";
void constructorArgs(QTextStream& cpp, const QString& prefix, const Object& o, const Configuration& conf) {
const QString lcname(snakeCase(;
for (const Property& p: {
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
cpp << ", " << prefix << "m_" <<;
constructorArgs(cpp, "m_" + + "->",
conf.findObject(, conf);
} else {
cpp << ",\n " << changedF(o, p);
if (o.type == ObjectType::List) {
cpp << QString(R"(,
[](const %1* o) {
emit o->newDataReady(QModelIndex());
[](%1* o, quintptr first, quintptr last) {
o->dataChanged(o->createIndex(first, 0, first),
o->createIndex(last, %2, last));
[](%1* o) {
[](%1* o) {
[](%1* o, int first, int last) {
o->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), first, last);
[](%1* o) {
[](%1* o, int first, int last) {
o->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), first, last);
[](%1* o) {
)").arg(, QString::number(o.columnCount - 1));
if (o.type == ObjectType::Tree) {
cpp << QString(R"(,
[](const %1* o, quintptr id, bool valid) {
if (valid) {
int row = %2_row(o->m_d, id);
emit o->newDataReady(o->createIndex(row, 0, id));
} else {
emit o->newDataReady(QModelIndex());
[](%1* o, quintptr first, quintptr last) {
quintptr frow = %2_row(o->m_d, first);
quintptr lrow = %2_row(o->m_d, first);
o->dataChanged(o->createIndex(frow, 0, first),
o->createIndex(lrow, %3, last));
[](%1* o) {
[](%1* o) {
[](%1* o, option_quintptr id, int first, int last) {
if (id.some) {
int row = %2_row(o->m_d, id.value);
o->beginInsertRows(o->createIndex(row, 0, id.value), first, last);
} else {
o->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), first, last);
[](%1* o) {
[](%1* o, option_quintptr id, int first, int last) {
if (id.some) {
int row = %2_row(o->m_d, id.value);
o->beginRemoveRows(o->createIndex(row, 0, id.value), first, last);
} else {
o->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), first, last);
[](%1* o) {
)").arg(, lcname, QString::number(o.columnCount - 1));
void writeObjectCDecl(QTextStream& cpp, const Object& o, const Configuration& conf) {
const QString lcname(snakeCase(;
cpp << QString(" %1::Private* %2_new(").arg(, lcname);
constructorArgsDecl(cpp, o, conf);
cpp << ");" << endl;
cpp << QString(" void %2_free(%1::Private*);").arg(, lcname)
<< endl;
for (const Property& p: {
const QString base = QString("%1_%2").arg(lcname, snakeCase(;
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
cpp << QString(" %3::Private* %2_get(const %1::Private*);")
.arg(, base, << endl;
} else if (p.type.isComplex()) {
cpp << QString(" void %2_get(const %1::Private*, %3);")
.arg(, base, cGetType(p.type)) << endl;
} else {
cpp << QString(" %3 %2_get(const %1::Private*);")
.arg(, base, << endl;
if (p.write) {
cpp << QString(" void %2_set(%1::Private*, %3);")
.arg(, base, p.type.cSetType) << endl;
if (p.optional) {
cpp << QString(" void %2_set_none(%1::Private*);")
.arg(, base) << endl;
for (const Function& f: o.functions) {
const QString lc(snakeCase(;
const QString name = QString("%1_%2").arg(lcname, lc);
cpp << QString(" %1 %2(%4%3::Private*")
.arg(f.type.cSetType, name,, f.mut ? "" : "const ");
if (f.args.size() > 0) {
cpp << ", ";
for (auto a = f.args.begin(); a < f.args.end(); a++) {
cpp << QString("%2%3").arg(a->type.cSetType, a + 1 < f.args.end() ? ", " : "");
if ( == "QString") {
cpp << ", QString*, qstring_set";
cpp << ");" << endl;
void initializeMembersEmpty(QTextStream& cpp, const Object& o, const Configuration& conf)
for (const Property& p: {
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
initializeMembersEmpty(cpp, conf.findObject(, conf);
cpp << QString(" %1m_%2(new %3(false, this)),\n")
void initializeMembersZero(QTextStream& cpp, const Object& o)
for (const Property& p: {
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
cpp << QString(" m_%1(new %2(false, this)),\n")
void initializeMembers(QTextStream& cpp, const QString& prefix, const Object& o, const Configuration& conf)
for (const Property& p: {
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
cpp << QString(" %1m_%2->m_d = %3_%4_get(%1m_d);\n")
.arg(prefix,, snakeCase(, snakeCase(;
initializeMembers(cpp, "m_" + + "->",
conf.findObject(, conf);
void connect(QTextStream& cpp, const QString& d, const Object& o, const Configuration& conf) {
for (auto p: {
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
connect(cpp, d + "->m_" +, conf.findObject(, conf);
if (o.type != ObjectType::Object) {
cpp << QString(R"( connect(%2, &%1::newDataReady, %2, [this](const QModelIndex& i) {
}, Qt::QueuedConnection);
)").arg(, d);
void writeCppObject(QTextStream& cpp, const Object& o, const Configuration& conf) {
const QString lcname(snakeCase(;
cpp << QString("%1::%1(bool /*owned*/, QObject *parent):\n %2(parent),")
.arg(, baseType(o)) << endl;
for (const Property& p: {
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
cpp << QString(" m_%1(new %2(false, this)),\n")
cpp << " m_d(0),\n m_ownsPrivate(false)\n{\n";
if (o.type != ObjectType::Object) {
cpp << " initHeaderData();\n";
cpp << QString("}\n\n%1::%1(QObject *parent):\n %2(parent),")
.arg(, baseType(o)) << endl;
initializeMembersZero(cpp, o);
cpp << QString(" m_d(%1_new(this").arg(lcname);
constructorArgs(cpp, "", o, conf);
cpp << ")),\n m_ownsPrivate(true)\n{\n";
initializeMembers(cpp, "", o, conf);
connect(cpp, "this", o, conf);
if (o.type != ObjectType::Object) {
cpp << " initHeaderData();\n";
cpp << QString(R"(}
%1::~%1() {
if (m_ownsPrivate) {
)").arg(, lcname);
if (o.type != ObjectType::Object) {
cpp << QString("void %1::initHeaderData() {\n").arg(;
for (int col = 0; col < o.columnCount; ++col) {
for (auto ip: o.itemProperties) {
auto roles = ip.roles.value(col);
if (roles.contains(Qt::DisplayRole)) {
cpp << QString(" m_headerData.insert(qMakePair(%1, Qt::DisplayRole), QVariant(\"%2\"));\n").arg(QString::number(col),;
cpp << "}\n";
for (const Property& p: {
const QString base = QString("%1_%2").arg(lcname, snakeCase(;
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
cpp << QString(R"(const %3* %1::%2() const
return m_%2;
%3* %1::%2()
return m_%2;
} else if (p.type.isComplex()) {
cpp << QString("%3 %1::%2() const\n{\n").arg(,,;
cpp << " " << << " v;\n";
cpp << " " << base << "_get(m_d, &v, set_" <<
<< ");\n";
cpp << " return v;\n}\n";
} else {
cpp << QString("%3 %1::%2() const\n{\n").arg(,,;
cpp << QString(" return %1_get(m_d);\n}\n").arg(base);
if (p.write) {
cpp << "void " << << "::set" << upperInitial( << "(" << p.type.cppSetType << " v) {" << endl;
if (p.optional) {
cpp << QString(" if (v.isNull()) {") << endl;
cpp << QString(" %1_set_none(m_d);").arg(base) << endl;
cpp << QString(" } else {") << endl;
cpp << QString(" %1_set(m_d, v);").arg(base) << endl;
cpp << QString(" }") << endl;
} else {
cpp << QString(" %1_set(m_d, v);").arg(base) << endl;
cpp << "}" << endl;
for (const Function& f: o.functions) {
const QString base = QString("%1_%2")
.arg(lcname, snakeCase(;
cpp << QString("%1 %2::%3(")
for (auto a = f.args.begin(); a < f.args.end(); a++) {
cpp << QString("%1 %2%3").arg(a->type.cppSetType, a->name, a + 1 < f.args.end() ? ", " : "");
cpp << QString(")%1\n{\n")
.arg(f.mut ? "" : " const");
QString argList;
if (f.args.size() > 0) {
argList.append(", ");
for (auto a = f.args.begin(); a < f.args.end(); a++) {
argList.append(QString("%2%3").arg(a->name, a + 1 < f.args.end() ? ", " : ""));
if ( == "QString") {
cpp << QString(" %1 s;").arg( << endl;
cpp << QString(" %1(m_d%2, &s, set_qstring);")
.arg(base, argList) << endl;
cpp << " return s;" << endl;
} else {
cpp << QString(" return %1(m_d%2);")
.arg(base, argList) << endl;
cpp << "}" << endl;
void writeHeader(const Configuration& conf) {
DifferentFileWriter w(conf.hFile.absoluteFilePath());
QTextStream h(&w.buffer);
const QString guard(conf.hFile.fileName().replace('.', '_').toUpper());
h << QString(R"(/* generated by rust_qt_binding_generator */
#ifndef %1
#define %1
#include <QObject>
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
for (auto object: conf.objects) {
h << "class " << << ";\n";
for (auto object: conf.objects) {
writeHeaderObject(h, object, conf);
h << QString("#endif // %1\n").arg(guard);
void writeCpp(const Configuration& conf) {
DifferentFileWriter w(conf.cppFile.absoluteFilePath());
QTextStream cpp(&w.buffer);
cpp << QString(R"(/* generated by rust_qt_binding_generator */
#include "%1"
namespace {
for (auto option: conf.optionalTypes()) {
cpp << QString(R"(
struct option_%1 {
%1 value;
bool some;
operator QVariant() const {
if (some) {
return QVariant(value);
return QVariant();
if (conf.types().contains("QString")) {
cpp << R"(
struct qstring_t {
const void* data;
int len;
qstring_t(const QString& v):
data(static_cast<const void*>(v.utf16())),
len(v.size()) {
operator QString() const {
return QString::fromUtf8(static_cast<const char*>(data), len);
typedef void (*qstring_set)(QString*, qstring_t*);
void set_qstring(QString* v, qstring_t* val) {
*v = *val;
if (conf.types().contains("QByteArray")) {
cpp << R"(
struct qbytearray_t {
const char* data;
int len;
qbytearray_t(const QByteArray& v):
len(v.size()) {
operator QByteArray() const {
return QByteArray(data, len);
typedef void (*qbytearray_set)(QByteArray*, qbytearray_t*);
void set_qbytearray(QByteArray* v, qbytearray_t* val) {
*v = *val;
if (conf.hasListOrTree()) {
cpp << R"(
struct qmodelindex_t {
int row;
quintptr id;
for (auto o: conf.objects) {
for (auto p: {
if (p.type.type == BindingType::Object) {
cpp << " inline void " << changedF(o, p) << "(" << << "* o)\n";
cpp << " {\n emit o->" << << "Changed();\n }\n";
cpp << "}\n";
for (auto object: conf.objects) {
if (object.type != ObjectType::Object) {
writeCppModel(cpp, object);
cpp << "extern \"C\" {\n";
writeObjectCDecl(cpp, object, conf);
cpp << "};\n" << endl;
for (auto object: conf.objects) {
writeCppObject(cpp, object, conf);