temporary awoo locale commit

James 2017-07-02 17:47:51 +00:00 committed by Noiob
parent 6ff5901d04
commit 894e6e0ff2
10 changed files with 793 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module SettingsHelper
awoo: 'Awoo!!!',
en: 'English',
ar: 'العربية',
ast: 'l\'asturianu',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
"account.block": "Block @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "Hide everything from {domain}",
"account.disclaimer": "This user is from another instance. This number may be larger.",
"account.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
"account.follow": "Follow",
"account.followers": "Followers",
"account.follows": "Follows",
"account.follows_you": "Follows you",
"account.media": "Media",
"account.mention": "Mention @{name}",
"account.mute": "Mute @{name}",
"account.posts": "Posts",
"account.report": "Report @{name}",
"account.requested": "Awaiting approval",
"account.unblock": "Unblock @{name}",
"account.unblock_domain": "Unhide {domain}",
"account.unfollow": "Unfollow",
"account.unmute": "Unmute @{name}",
"boost_modal.combo": "You can press {combo} to skip this next time",
"column.blocks": "Blocked users",
"column.community": "Local timeline",
"column.favourites": "Favourites",
"column.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
"column.home": "Home",
"column.mutes": "Muted users",
"column.notifications": "Notifications",
"column.public": "Federated timeline",
"column_back_button.label": "Back",
"column_header.pin": "Pin",
"column_header.unpin": "Unpin",
"column_subheading.navigation": "Navigation",
"column_subheading.settings": "Settings",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Your account is not {locked}. Anyone can follow you to view your follower-only posts.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "locked",
"compose_form.placeholder": "What is on your mind?",
"compose_form.privacy_disclaimer": "Your post will be delivered to mentioned users on {domains}. Do you trust {domainsCount, plural, one {that server} other {those servers}}? Post privacy only works on Mastodon instances. If {domains} {domainsCount, plural, one {is not a Mastodon instance} other {are not Mastodon instances}}, there will be no indication that your post is not a public post, and it may be boosted or otherwise made visible to unintended recipients.",
"compose_form.publish": "Awoo",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.sensitive": "Mark media as sensitive",
"compose_form.spoiler": "Hide text behind warning",
"compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Content warning",
"confirmation_modal.cancel": "Cancel",
"confirmations.block.confirm": "Block",
"confirmations.block.message": "Are you sure you want to block {name}?",
"confirmations.delete.confirm": "Delete",
"confirmations.delete.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Hide entire domain",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire {domain}? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable.",
"confirmations.mute.confirm": "Mute",
"confirmations.mute.message": "Are you sure you want to mute {name}?",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activity",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"emoji_button.food": "Food & Drink",
"emoji_button.label": "Insert emoji",
"emoji_button.nature": "Nature",
"emoji_button.objects": "Objects",
"emoji_button.people": "People",
"emoji_button.search": "Search...",
"emoji_button.symbols": "Symbols",
"emoji_button.travel": "Travel & Places",
"empty_column.community": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
"empty_column.hashtag": "There is nothing in this hashtag yet.",
"empty_column.home": "You aren't following anyone yet. Visit {public} or use search to get started and meet other users.",
"empty_column.home.inactivity": "Your home feed is empty. If you have been inactive for a while, it will be regenerated for you soon.",
"empty_column.home.public_timeline": "the public timeline",
"empty_column.notifications": "You don't have any notifications yet. Interact with others to start the conversation.",
"empty_column.public": "There is nothing here! Write something publicly, or manually follow users from other instances to fill it up",
"follow_request.authorize": "Authorize",
"follow_request.reject": "Reject",
"getting_started.appsshort": "Apps",
"getting_started.faq": "FAQ",
"getting_started.heading": "Getting started",
"getting_started.open_source_notice": "Mastodon is open source software. You can contribute or report issues on GitHub at {github}.",
"getting_started.userguide": "User Guide",
"home.column_settings.advanced": "Advanced",
"home.column_settings.basic": "Basic",
"home.column_settings.filter_regex": "Filter out by regular expressions",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Show boosts",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Show replies",
"home.settings": "Column settings",
"lightbox.close": "Close",
"loading_indicator.label": "Loading...",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "Toggle visibility",
"missing_indicator.label": "Not found",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "Blocked users",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Local timeline",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
"navigation_bar.favourites": "Favourites",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
"navigation_bar.info": "About this instance",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Logout",
"navigation_bar.mutes": "Muted users",
"navigation_bar.preferences": "Preferences",
"navigation_bar.public_timeline": "Federated timeline",
"notification.favourite": "{name} booped your snoot",
"notification.follow": "{name} entered your pack",
"notification.mention": "{name} mentioned you",
"notification.reblog": "{name} joined your awoo",
"notifications.clear": "Clear notifications",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to permanently clear all your notifications?",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "Desktop notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "Favourites:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "New followers:",
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "Mentions:",
"notifications.column_settings.reblog": "Boosts:",
"notifications.column_settings.show": "Show in column",
"notifications.column_settings.sound": "Play sound",
"onboarding.done": "Done",
"onboarding.next": "Next",
"onboarding.page_five.public_timelines": "The local timeline shows public posts from everyone on {domain}. The federated timeline shows public posts from everyone who people on {domain} follow. These are the Public Timelines, a great way to discover new people.",
"onboarding.page_four.home": "The home timeline shows posts from people you follow.",
"onboarding.page_four.notifications": "The notifications column shows when someone interacts with you.",
"onboarding.page_one.federation": "Mastodon is a network of independent servers joining up to make one larger social network. We call these servers instances.",
"onboarding.page_one.handle": "You are on {domain}, so your full handle is {handle}",
"onboarding.page_one.welcome": "Welcome to Mastodon!",
"onboarding.page_six.admin": "Your instance's admin is {admin}.",
"onboarding.page_six.almost_done": "Almost done...",
"onboarding.page_six.appetoot": "Bon Appetoot!",
"onboarding.page_six.apps_available": "There are {apps} available for iOS, Android and other platforms.",
"onboarding.page_six.github": "Mastodon is free open-source software. You can report bugs, request features, or contribute to the code on {github}.",
"onboarding.page_six.guidelines": "community guidelines",
"onboarding.page_six.read_guidelines": "Please read {domain}'s {guidelines}!",
"onboarding.page_six.various_app": "mobile apps",
"onboarding.page_three.profile": "Edit your profile to change your avatar, bio, and display name. There, you will also find other preferences.",
"onboarding.page_three.search": "Use the search bar to find people and look at hashtags, such as {illustration} and {introductions}. To look for a person who is not on this instance, use their full handle.",
"onboarding.page_two.compose": "Write posts from the compose column. You can upload images, change privacy settings, and add content warnings with the icons below.",
"onboarding.skip": "Skip",
"privacy.change": "Adjust status privacy",
"privacy.direct.long": "Post to mentioned users only",
"privacy.direct.short": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "Post to followers only",
"privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
"privacy.public.long": "Post to public timelines",
"privacy.public.short": "Public",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Do not post to public timelines",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "Unlisted",
"reply_indicator.cancel": "Cancel",
"report.heading": "New report",
"report.placeholder": "Additional comments",
"report.submit": "Submit",
"report.target": "Reporting",
"search.placeholder": "Search",
"search_results.total": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}}",
"status.cannot_reblog": "This post cannot be boosted",
"status.delete": "Delete",
"status.favourite": "Favourite",
"status.load_more": "Load more",
"status.media_hidden": "Media hidden",
"status.mention": "Mention @{name}",
"status.mute_conversation": "Mute conversation",
"status.open": "Expand this status",
"status.reblog": "Boost",
"status.reblogged_by": "{name} booped",
"status.reply": "Reply",
"status.replyAll": "Reply to thread",
"status.report": "Report @{name}",
"status.sensitive_toggle": "Click to view",
"status.sensitive_warning": "Sensitive content",
"status.show_less": "Show less",
"status.show_more": "Show more",
"status.unmute_conversation": "Unmute conversation",
"tabs_bar.compose": "Compose",
"tabs_bar.federated_timeline": "Federated",
"tabs_bar.home": "Home",
"tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Local",
"tabs_bar.notifications": "Notifications",
"upload_area.title": "Drag & drop to upload",
"upload_button.label": "Add media",
"upload_form.undo": "Undo",
"upload_progress.label": "Uploading...",
"video_player.expand": "Expand video",
"video_player.toggle_sound": "Toggle sound",
"video_player.toggle_visible": "Toggle visibility",
"video_player.video_error": "Video could not be played"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ module Mastodon
# All translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded.
# config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s]
config.i18n.available_locales = [

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Rails.application.configure do
# config.assets.css_compressor = :sass
# Do not fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled asset is missed.
config.assets.compile = false
config.assets.compile = true
# `config.assets.precompile` and `config.assets.version` have moved to config/initializers/assets.rb

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
invalid: only letters, numbers and underscores
taken: of status already exists

config/locales/awoo.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
about_mastodon: Mastodon is a <em>free, open-source</em> social network. A <em>decentralized</em> alternative to commercial platforms, it avoids the risks of a single company monopolizing your communication. Pick a server that you trust &mdash; whichever you choose, you can interact with everyone else. Anyone can run their own Mastodon instance and participate in the <em>social network</em> seamlessly.
about_this: About this instance
apps: Apps
business_email: 'Business e-mail:'
closed_registrations: Registrations are currently closed on this instance.
contact: Contact
description_headline: What is %{domain}?
domain_count_after: other instances
domain_count_before: Connected to
api: Open API for apps and services
blocks: Rich block and muting tools
characters: 500 characters per post
chronology: Timelines are chronological
ethics: 'Ethical design: no ads, no tracking'
gifv: GIFV sets and short videos
privacy: Granular, per-post privacy settings
public: Public timelines
features_headline: What sets Mastodon apart
get_started: Get started
links: Links
other_instances: Other instances
source_code: Source code
status_count_after: statuses
status_count_before: Who authored
terms: Terms
user_count_after: users
user_count_before: Home to
version: Version
follow: Follow
followers: Followers
following: Following
nothing_here: There is nothing here!
people_followed_by: People whom %{name} follows
people_who_follow: People who follow %{name}
posts: Posts
remote_follow: Remote follow
reserved_username: The username is reserved
unfollow: Unfollow
name: "%{account_name} shared an activity."
name: "%{account_name} created a note."
name: "%{account_name}'s Outbox"
summary: A collection of activities from user %{account_name}.
are_you_sure: Are you sure?
confirm: Confirm
confirmed: Confirmed
disable_two_factor_authentication: Disable 2FA
display_name: Display name
domain: Domain
edit: Edit
email: E-mail
feed_url: Feed URL
followers: Followers
follows: Follows
ip: IP
all: All
local: Local
remote: Remote
title: Location
media_attachments: Media attachments
all: All
silenced: Silenced
suspended: Suspended
title: Moderation
most_recent_activity: Most recent activity
most_recent_ip: Most recent IP
not_subscribed: Not subscribed
alphabetic: Alphabetic
most_recent: Most recent
title: Order
perform_full_suspension: Perform full suspension
profile_url: Profile URL
public: Public
push_subscription_expires: PuSH subscription expires
redownload: Refresh avatar
reset: Reset
reset_password: Reset password
resubscribe: Resubscribe
salmon_url: Salmon URL
search: Search
created_reports: Reports created by this account
report: report
targeted_reports: Reports made about this account
silence: Silence
statuses: Statuses
subscribe: Subscribe
title: Accounts
undo_silenced: Undo silence
undo_suspension: Undo suspension
unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
username: Username
web: Web
add_new: Add new
created_msg: Domain block is now being processed
destroyed_msg: Domain block has been undone
domain: Domain
create: Create block
hint: The domain block will not prevent creation of account entries in the database, but will retroactively and automatically apply specific moderation methods on those accounts.
desc_html: "<strong>Silence</strong> will make the account's posts invisible to anyone who isn't following them. <strong>Suspend</strong> will remove all of the account's content, media, and profile data."
silence: Silence
suspend: Suspend
title: New domain block
reject_media: Reject media files
reject_media_hint: Removes locally stored media files and refuses to download any in the future. Irrelevant for suspensions
silence: Silence
suspend: Suspend
severity: Severity
one: One account in the database affected
other: "%{count} accounts in the database affected"
silence: Unsilence all existing accounts from this domain
suspend: Unsuspend all existing accounts from this domain
title: Undo domain block for %{domain}
undo: Undo
title: Domain Blocks
undo: Undo
account_count: Known accounts
domain_name: Domain
title: Known Instances
action_taken_by: Action taken by
are_you_sure: Are you sure?
label: Comment
none: None
delete: Delete
id: ID
mark_as_resolved: Mark as resolved
'false': Unhide media attachments
'true': Hide media attachments
report: 'Report #%{id}'
report_contents: Contents
reported_account: Reported account
reported_by: Reported by
resolved: Resolved
silence_account: Silence account
status: Status
suspend_account: Suspend account
target: Target
title: Reports
unresolved: Unresolved
view: View
email: Enter a public e-mail address
label: Contact information
username: Enter a username
desc_html: Displayed on frontpage when registrations are closed<br>You can use HTML tags
title: Closed registration message
disabled: Disabled
enabled: Enabled
title: Open registration
setting: Setting
desc_html: Displayed as a paragraph on the frontpage and used as a meta tag.<br>You can use HTML tags, in particular <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;em&gt;</code>.
title: Site description
desc_html: Displayed on extended information page<br>You can use HTML tags
title: Extended site description
site_title: Site title
title: Site Settings
callback_url: Callback URL
confirmed: Confirmed
expires_in: Expires in
last_delivery: Last delivery
title: PubSubHubbub
topic: Topic
title: Administration
settings: 'Change e-mail preferences: %{link}'
signature: Mastodon notifications from %{instance}
view: 'View:'
invalid_url: The provided URL is invalid
change_password: Credentials
delete_account: Delete account
delete_account_html: If you wish to delete your account, you can <a href="%{path}">proceed here</a>. You will be asked for confirmation.
didnt_get_confirmation: Didn't receive confirmation instructions?
forgot_password: Forgot your password?
login: Log in
logout: Logout
register: Sign up
resend_confirmation: Resend confirmation instructions
reset_password: Reset password
set_new_password: Set new password
error: Unfortunately, there was an error looking up the remote account
follow: Follow
prompt_html: 'You (<strong>%{self}</strong>) have requested to follow:'
title: Follow %{acct}
about_x_hours: "%{count}h"
about_x_months: "%{count}mo"
about_x_years: "%{count}y"
almost_x_years: "%{count}y"
half_a_minute: Just now
less_than_x_minutes: "%{count}m"
less_than_x_seconds: Just now
over_x_years: "%{count}y"
x_days: "%{count}d"
x_minutes: "%{count}m"
x_months: "%{count}mo"
x_seconds: "%{count}s"
bad_password_msg: Nice try, hackers! Incorrect password
confirm_password: Enter your current password to verify your identity
description_html: This will <strong>permanently, irreversibly</strong> remove content from your account and deactivate it. Your username will remain reserved to prevent future impersonations.
proceed: Delete account
success_msg: Your account was successfully deleted
warning_html: Only deletion of content from this particular instance is guaranteed. Content that has been widely shared is likely to leave traces. Offline servers and servers that have unsubscribed from your updates will not update their databases.
warning_title: Disseminated content availability
'403': You don't have permission to view this page.
'404': The page you were looking for doesn't exist.
'410': The page you were looking for doesn't exist anymore.
content: Security verification failed. Are you blocking cookies?
title: Security verification failed
'429': Throttled
noscript: To use Mastodon, please enable JavaScript.
blocks: You block
csv: CSV
follows: You follow
mutes: You mute
storage: Media storage
domain: Domain
explanation_html: If you want to ensure the privacy of your statuses, you must be aware of who is following you. <strong>Your private statuses are delivered to all instances where you have followers</strong>. You may wish to review them, and remove followers if you do not trust your privacy to be respected by the staff or software of those instances.
followers_count: Number of followers
lock_link: Lock your account
purge: Remove from followers
one: In the process of soft-blocking followers from one domain...
other: In the process of soft-blocking followers from %{count} domains...
true_privacy_html: Please mind that <strong>true privacy can only be achieved with end-to-end encryption</strong>.
unlocked_warning_html: Anyone can follow you to immediately view your private statuses. %{lock_link} to be able to review and reject followers.
unlocked_warning_title: Your account is not locked
changes_saved_msg: Changes successfully saved!
powered_by: powered by %{link}
save_changes: Save changes
one: Something isn't quite right yet! Please review the error below
other: Something isn't quite right yet! Please review %{count} errors below
preface: You can import data that you have exported from another instance, such as a list of the people you are following or blocking.
success: Your data was successfully uploaded and will now be processed in due time
blocking: Blocking list
following: Following list
muting: Muting list
upload: Upload
landing_strip_html: "<strong>%{name}</strong> is a user on %{link_to_root_path}. You can follow them or interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse."
landing_strip_signup_html: If you don't, you can <a href="%{sign_up_path}">sign up here</a>.
images_and_video: Cannot attach a video to a status that already contains images
too_many: Cannot attach more than 4 files
body: 'Here is a brief summary of what you missed on %{instance} since your last visit on %{since}:'
mention: "%{name} mentioned you in:"
one: You have acquired one new follower! Yay!
other: You have gotten %{count} new followers! Amazing!
one: "1 new notification since your last visit \U0001F418"
other: "%{count} new notifications since your last visit \U0001F418"
body: 'Your snoot was booped by %{name}:'
subject: "%{name} booped your snoot"
body: "%{name} is now following you!"
subject: "%{name} is now following you"
body: "%{name} has requested to follow you"
subject: 'Pending follower: %{name}'
body: 'You were mentioned by %{name} in:'
subject: You were mentioned by %{name}
body: 'Your awoo was joined by %{name}:'
subject: "%{name} joined your awoo"
next: Next
prev: Prev
truncate: "&hellip;"
acct: Enter your username@domain you want to follow from
missing_resource: Could not find the required redirect URL for your account
proceed: Proceed to follow
prompt: 'You are going to follow:'
authorized_apps: Authorized apps
back: Back to Awoo.space
delete: Account deletion
edit_profile: Edit profile
export: Data export
followers: Authorized followers
import: Import
preferences: Preferences
settings: Settings
two_factor_authentication: Two-factor Authentication
open_in_web: Open in web
over_character_limit: character limit of %{max} exceeded
show_more: Show more
private: Followers-only
private_long: Only show to followers
public: Public
public_long: Everyone can see
unlisted: Unlisted
unlisted_long: Everyone can see, but not listed on public timelines
click_to_show: Click to show
reblogged: booped
sensitive_content: Sensitive content
default: "%b %d, %Y, %H:%M"
code_hint: Enter the code generated by your authenticator app to confirm
description_html: If you enable <strong>two-factor authentication</strong>, logging in will require you to be in possession of your phone, which will generate tokens for you to enter.
disable: Disable
enable: Enable
enabled_success: Two-factor authentication successfully enabled
generate_recovery_codes: Generate Recovery Codes
instructions_html: "<strong>Scan this QR code into Google Authenticator or a similiar TOTP app on your phone</strong>. From now on, that app will generate tokens that you will have to enter when logging in."
lost_recovery_codes: Recovery codes allow you to regain access to your account if you lose your phone. If you've lost your recovery codes, you can regenerate them here. Your old recovery codes will be invalidated.
manual_instructions: 'If you can''t scan the QR code and need to enter it manually, here is the plain-text secret:'
recovery_codes_regenerated: Recovery codes successfully regenerated
recovery_instructions: If you ever lose access to your phone, you can use one of the recovery codes below to regain access to your account. Keep the recovery codes safe. (For example, you may print them and store them with other important documents.)
setup: Set up
wrong_code: The entered code was invalid! Are server time and device time correct?
invalid_email: The e-mail address is invalid
invalid_otp_token: Invalid two-factor code

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
confirmed: Your email address has been successfully confirmed.
send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions for how to confirm your email address in a few minutes. Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive this email.
send_paranoid_instructions: If your email address exists in our database, you will receive an email with instructions for how to confirm your email address in a few minutes. Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive this email.
already_authenticated: You are already signed in.
inactive: Your account is not activated yet.
invalid: Invalid %{authentication_keys} or password.
last_attempt: You have one more attempt before your account is locked.
locked: Your account is locked.
not_found_in_database: Invalid %{authentication_keys} or password.
timeout: Your session expired. Please sign in again to continue.
unauthenticated: You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.
unconfirmed: You have to confirm your email address before continuing.
subject: 'Mastodon: Confirmation instructions for %{instance}'
subject: 'Mastodon: Password changed'
subject: 'Mastodon: Reset password instructions'
subject: 'Mastodon: Unlock instructions'
failure: Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because "%{reason}".
success: Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account.
no_token: You can't access this page without coming from a password reset email. If you do come from a password reset email, please make sure you used the full URL provided.
send_instructions: If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes. Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive this email.
send_paranoid_instructions: If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes. Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive this email.
updated: Your password has been changed successfully. You are now signed in.
updated_not_active: Your password has been changed successfully.
destroyed: Bye! Your account has been successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon.
signed_up: Welcome! You have signed up successfully.
signed_up_but_inactive: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is not yet activated.
signed_up_but_locked: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is locked.
signed_up_but_unconfirmed: A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please follow the link to activate your account. Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive this email.
update_needs_confirmation: You updated your account successfully, but we need to verify your new email address. Please check your email and follow the confirm link to confirm your new email address. Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive this email.
updated: Your account has been updated successfully.
already_signed_out: Signed out successfully.
signed_in: Signed in successfully.
signed_out: Signed out successfully.
send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions for how to unlock your account in a few minutes. Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive this email.
send_paranoid_instructions: If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions for how to unlock it in a few minutes. Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive this email.
unlocked: Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue.
already_confirmed: was already confirmed, please try signing in
confirmation_period_expired: needs to be confirmed within %{period}, please request a new one
expired: has expired, please request a new one
not_found: not found
not_locked: was not locked
one: '1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:'
other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
name: Name
redirect_uri: Redirect URI
fragment_present: cannot contain a fragment.
invalid_uri: must be a valid URI.
relative_uri: must be an absolute URI.
secured_uri: must be an HTTPS/SSL URI.
authorize: Authorize
cancel: Cancel
destroy: Destroy
edit: Edit
submit: Submit
destroy: Are you sure?
title: Edit application
error: Whoops! Check your form for possible errors
native_redirect_uri: Use %{native_redirect_uri} for local tests
redirect_uri: Use one line per URI
scopes: Separate scopes with spaces. Leave blank to use the default scopes.
callback_url: Callback URL
name: Name
new: New Application
title: Your applications
title: New Application
actions: Actions
application_id: Application Id
callback_urls: Callback urls
scopes: Scopes
secret: Secret
title: 'Application: %{name}'
authorize: Authorize
deny: Deny
title: An error has occurred
able_to: It will be able to
prompt: Application %{client_name} requests access to your account
title: Authorization required
title: Authorization code
revoke: Revoke
revoke: Are you sure?
application: Application
created_at: Authorized
date_format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
scopes: Scopes
title: Your authorized applications
access_denied: The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
credential_flow_not_configured: Resource Owner Password Credentials flow failed due to Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_from_credentials being unconfigured.
invalid_client: Client authentication failed due to unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method.
invalid_grant: The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client.
invalid_redirect_uri: The redirect uri included is not valid.
invalid_request: The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value, or is otherwise malformed.
invalid_resource_owner: The provided resource owner credentials are not valid, or resource owner cannot be found
invalid_scope: The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.
expired: The access token expired
revoked: The access token was revoked
unknown: The access token is invalid
resource_owner_authenticator_not_configured: Resource Owner find failed due to Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_authenticator being unconfiged.
server_error: The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
temporarily_unavailable: The authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
unauthorized_client: The client is not authorized to perform this request using this method.
unsupported_grant_type: The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.
unsupported_response_type: The authorization server does not support this response type.
notice: Application created.
notice: Application deleted.
notice: Application updated.
notice: Application revoked.
applications: Applications
oauth2_provider: OAuth2 Provider
title: OAuth authorization required
follow: follow, block, unblock and unfollow accounts
read: read your account's data
write: post on your behalf

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
avatar: PNG, GIF or JPG. At most 2MB. Will be downscaled to 120x120px
one: <span class="name-counter">1</span> character left
other: <span class="name-counter">%{count}</span> characters left
header: PNG, GIF or JPG. At most 2MB. Will be downscaled to 700x335px
locked: Requires you to manually approve followers and defaults post privacy to followers-only
one: <span class="note-counter">1</span> character left
other: <span class="note-counter">%{count}</span> characters left
data: CSV file exported from another Mastodon instance
otp: Enter the Two-factor code from your phone or use one of your recovery codes.
filtered_languages: Selected languages will be removed from your public timelines.
avatar: Avatar
confirm_new_password: Confirm new password
confirm_password: Confirm password
current_password: Current password
data: Data
display_name: Display name
email: E-mail address
header: Header
locale: Language
locked: Lock account
new_password: New password
note: Bio
otp_attempt: Two-factor code
password: Password
setting_auto_play_gif: Auto-play animated GIFs
setting_boost_modal: Show confirmation dialog before boosting
setting_default_privacy: Post privacy
setting_delete_modal: Show confirmation dialog before deleting a toot
severity: Severity
type: Import type
username: Username
must_be_follower: Block notifications from non-followers
must_be_following: Block notifications from people you don't follow
digest: Send digest e-mails
favourite: Send e-mail when someone favourites your status
follow: Send e-mail when someone follows you
follow_request: Send e-mail when someone requests to follow you
mention: Send e-mail when someone mentions you
reblog: Send e-mail when someone boosts your status
'no': 'No'
mark: "*"
text: required
'yes': 'Yes'