import request from "request"; import URI from "urijs"; import merge from "merge"; const uri = process.env.WEBHOOK_URI; let color = 0x77CBD1; function esc(str) { return str.replace(/([*#/()[\]_`\\])/g, "\\$&"); } function sendMessage(content, embeds) {{ uri: uri, json: { content: content, embeds: embeds } }, function(error, response, body) { if(error || response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300) { if(body != undefined) console.log("ERROR: \n", body); else console.log(""); } }); } function struri(str) { return new URI(str).unicode().toString(); } function uristr(name, uri) { return "[" + esc(name) + "](" + struri(uri) + ")"; } function clipstr(str, amt) { if(str == null) return str; if(str.length > amt) str = str.substring(0, amt - 3) + "..."; return str; } function author(name, url, icon_url) { return { color: color, author: { name: name, url: url, icon_url: icon_url } }; } function embed(title, description, url) { return { color: color, title: title, description: description, url: url }; } function field(name, value) { return { color: color, fields: [{ name: name, value: value, inline: true }] }; } function footer(text, icon_url) { return { color: color, footer: { text: text, icon_url: icon_url } }; } function prsCommInfo(info) { return { id: info.comment.commit_id.substring(0, 7), idLong: info.comment.commit_id, uri: info.comment.html_url, body: esc(info.comment.body) }; } function prsTracInfo(info) { return { title: info.title, body: info.body, uristr: uristr("#" + info.number, info.html_url), uri: info.html_url }; } function prsIssuInfo(info) { return prsTracInfo(info.issue); } function prsPullInfo(info) { return prsTracInfo(info.pull_request); } function prsRepoInfo(info) { return { shortname:, name: info.repository.full_name, avatar: info.repository.owner.avatar_url, uri: info.repository.html_url, uristr: uristr(info.repository.full_name, info.repository.html_url), mai: "**" + uristr(info.repository.full_name, info.repository.html_url) + "**:" }; } function prsUserInfo(info) { return { user: info.login, userUri: info.html_url, avatar: info.avatar_url, uristr: uristr(info.login, info.html_url) }; } function prsSendInfo(info) { return prsUserInfo(info.sender); } function issueInfo(info, issu) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); let outp = null; switch(info.action) { case "opened": const body = clipstr(issu.body, 128); outp = merge(true, author(send.user, send.uri, send.avatar), field(esc(issu.title), body ? body : "") ); break; case "labeled": case "unlabeled": const tmp = color; const uri = struri(`${repo.uri}/labels/${}`); const tag = info.action[0].toUpperCase() + info.action.substring(1); color = parseInt(info.label.color, 16); outp = embed(`${tag} **${}**`, null, uri); color = tmp; break; case "assigned": case "unassigned": let user = prsUserInfo(info.assignee); outp = author(`${user.user} was ${info.action}`, user.uri, user.avatar); break; } return outp; } export default class Events { static commit_comment(info) { const comm = prsCommInfo(info); const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); const comment = uristr("comment", comm.uri); const commit = uristr(, `${repo.uri}/commit/${comm.idLong}`); sendMessage(`${repo.mai} New ${comment} on commit **${commit}**`, [merge(true, author(send.user, send.uri, send.avatar), footer(clipstr(comm.body, 80)) )]); } static create(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); const type = info.ref_type; const ref = info.ref; const refmsg = (ref != null) ? (": **" + ref + "**") : ""; sendMessage( `${send.uristr} created a new ${type} on ${repo.uristr}${refmsg}`); } static delete(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); const type = info.ref_type; const ref = info.ref; const refmsg = (ref != null) ? (": **" + ref + "**") : ""; sendMessage( `${send.uristr} deleted a ${type} on ${repo.uristr}${refmsg}`); } static fork(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); const fork = uristr(info.forkee.full_name, info.forkee.html_url); sendMessage(`**${send.uristr}** forked ${repo.uristr} into **${fork}**`); } static issue_comment(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); const user = prsUserInfo(info.comment.user); const issu = prsIssuInfo(info); let outp = null; let msg = null; switch(info.action) { case "created": { const comment = uristr("comment", info.comment.html_url); msg = `New ${comment} on issue **${issu.uristr}**`; outp = merge(true, author(user.user, user.uri, user.avatar), footer(clipstr(info.comment.body, 80)) ); break; } case "edited": { const comm = uristr("Comment", info.comment.html_url); msg = `${comm} on issue **${issu.uristr}** edited by ${send.uristr}`; break; } case "deleted": msg = `Comment on issue **${issu.uristr}** deleted by ${send.uristr}`; break; } sendMessage(`${repo.mai} ${msg}`, outp ? [outp] : null); } static issues(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); const issu = prsIssuInfo(info); const outp = issueInfo(info, issu); sendMessage( `${repo.mai} Issue **${issu.uristr}** ` + `${info.action} by ${send.uristr}`, outp ? [outp] : null); } static member(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const user = prsUserInfo(info.member); sendMessage(`${user.uristr} was added to ${repo.uristr}`); } static milestone(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); const mstone = uristr(info.milestone.title, info.milestone.html_url); const action = info.action; sendMessage( `${repo.mai} Milestone ${mstone} ${action} by ${send.uristr}`); } static public(info) { sendMessage(`${prsRepoInfo(info).uristr} has been made public`); } static pull_request_review(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); const pull = prsPullInfo(info); let statename =; if(statename == "changes_requested") statename = "denied"; const state = uristr(statename,; const body = clipstr(, 80); sendMessage( `${repo.mai} Pull request **${pull.uristr}** ${state}`, [merge(true, author(send.user, send.uri, send.avatar), footer(clipstr(body ? body : "", 80)) )]); } static pull_request(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); const pull = prsPullInfo(info); let outp = null; let msg = `Pull request **${pull.uristr}** ${info.action} by ${send.uristr}`; if(info.pull_request.merged && info.action == "closed") msg = `Pull request **${pull.uristr}** merged by ${send.uristr}`; else outp = issueInfo(info, pull); sendMessage(`${repo.mai} ${msg}`, outp ? [outp] : null); } static push(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); const name = `${repo.shortname}/${info.ref.split("/")[2]}`; const s = info.commits.length != 1 ? "s" : ""; let commits = ""; for (let commit of info.commits) { if(commits.length > 1000) break; const shorthash =, 7); const uri = struri(`${repo.uri}/commit/${}`); const msg = esc(clipstr(commit.message.split(/\r?\n/)[0], 64)); const name = esc(; commits += `${uristr(`\`${shorthash}\``, uri)} ${msg} - *${name}*\n`; } const uri =; sendMessage(null, [merge(true, author(send.user, send.uri, send.avatar), embed(`[${name}] ${info.commits.length} new commit${s}`, commits, uri) )]); } static release(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const tag = uristr(info.release.tag_name, info.release.html_url); sendMessage(`${repo.mai} ${tag} released`); } static watch(info) { const repo = prsRepoInfo(info); const send = prsSendInfo(info); sendMessage(`${repo.uristr} was starred by ${send.uristr}`); } static ping(info) {} static gollum(info) {} static status(info) {} static team_add(info) {} static repository(info) {} static deployment(info) {} static membership(info) {} static page_build(info) {} static deployment_status(info) {} static pull_request_review_comment(info) {} }