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//! Sound representation.
pub mod wav;
/// Any PCM stream which may be represented as a 16-bit PCM stream.
pub trait Sound
/// Returns the sample rate.
fn rate(&self) -> u16;
/// Returns the number of samples.
fn len(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns the `n`th sample.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `n` exceeds the length of this sound.
fn index(&self, n: usize) -> i16;
/// Returns the number of the first sample of the loop, or `0`.
fn lp_beg(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns the number of the last sample of the loop, or `0`.
fn lp_end(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns `true` if there are no samples in this sound.
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {self.len() == 0}
/// The same as `index`, but will not panic if out of bounds.
fn get(&self, n: usize) -> Option<i16>
if n < self.len() {
} else {
impl Sound16
/// Creates a new `Sound16`.
pub fn new(rate: u16, lp_beg: usize, lp_end: usize, len: usize) -> Self
Self{rate, lp_beg, lp_end, data: Vec::with_capacity(len)}
/// Creates a new `Sound16` from an unsigned 8-bit stream.
pub fn new_from_8(rate: u16, lp_beg: usize, lp_end: usize, b: &[u8]) -> Self
let mut snd = Self::new(rate, lp_beg, lp_end, b.len());
for &sample in b {;
/// Creates a new `Sound16` from a signed 16-bit stream.
pub fn new_from_16(rate: u16, lp_beg: usize, lp_end: usize, b: &[u8]) -> Self
let mut snd = Self::new(rate, lp_beg, lp_end, b.len() / 2);
for i in (0..b.len()).step_by(2) {[b[i], b[i + 1]]));
/// Creates a signed 16-bit sample from an unsigned 8-bit sample.
pub fn sample_from_8(sample: u8) -> i16 {(i16::from(sample) - 0x80) << 8}
impl Sound for Sound16
fn rate(&self) -> u16 {self.rate}
fn len(&self) -> usize {}
fn index(&self, p: usize) -> i16 {[p]}
fn lp_beg(&self) -> usize {self.lp_beg}
fn lp_end(&self) -> usize {self.lp_end}
/// A 16-bit PCM stream.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Sound16 {
rate: u16,
lp_beg: usize,
lp_end: usize,
/// The raw signed PCM data of this sound.
pub data: Vec<i16>,
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