//! Implemented interfaces for Rozinante. use cairo_sys::*; use gdk_pixbuf_sys::*; use gdk_sys::*; use gobject_sys::*; use gtk_sys::*; use maraiah::{c_str, durandal::{ffi, image::*}, rozinante::{draw::*, editor}}; use std::marker::PhantomData; /// Converts a `Color` to a `f64` triple. fn flt_color(cr: impl Color) -> (f64, f64, f64) { fn flt_color(n: u16) -> f64 {f64::from(n) / f64::from(u16::max_value())} (flt_color(cr.r()), flt_color(cr.g()), flt_color(cr.b())) } impl CacheImage for CrImage { fn w(&self) -> Coord {unsafe {gdk_pixbuf_get_width(self.0) as Coord}} fn h(&self) -> Coord {unsafe {gdk_pixbuf_get_height(self.0) as Coord}} } impl CrDrawArea { pub const fn new(ctx: *mut cairo_t, w: f64, h: f64) -> Self { CrDrawArea{ctx, w: w as Coord, h: h as Coord} } } impl DrawArea for CrDrawArea { type NativeImage = CrImage; fn w(&self) -> Coord {self.w} fn h(&self) -> Coord {self.h} fn clear(&mut self, cr: impl Color) { self.rect(Rect{x: 0, y: 0, w: self.w(), h: self.h()}, cr); let sl = FONT_SLANT_NORMAL; let wt = FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL; unsafe { cairo_select_font_face(self.ctx, c_str!("Monospace"), sl, wt); cairo_set_font_size(self.ctx, 14.0); cairo_set_line_width(self.ctx, 1.0); } } fn line_width(&mut self, width: u8) { let width = f64::from(width); unsafe { cairo_set_line_width(self.ctx, width); } } fn line(&mut self, p1: Point, p2: Point, cr: impl Color) { let (r, g, b) = flt_color(cr); let x1 = f64::from(p1.0); let y1 = f64::from(p1.1); let x2 = f64::from(p2.0); let y2 = f64::from(p2.1); unsafe { cairo_set_source_rgb(self.ctx, r, g, b); cairo_move_to(self.ctx, x1, y1); cairo_line_to(self.ctx, x2, y2); cairo_stroke(self.ctx); } } fn rect(&mut self, rect: Rect, cr: impl Color) { let px = f64::from(rect.x); let py = f64::from(rect.y); let sx = f64::from(rect.w); let sy = f64::from(rect.h); let (r, g, b) = flt_color(cr); unsafe { cairo_set_source_rgb(self.ctx, r, g, b); cairo_rectangle(self.ctx, px, py, sx, sy); cairo_fill(self.ctx); } } fn text(&mut self, pos: Point, text: &str, cr: impl Color) { let (r, g, b) = flt_color(cr); let x = f64::from(pos.0); let y = f64::from(pos.1); let text = ffi::CString::new(text).unwrap(); unsafe { cairo_set_source_rgb(self.ctx, r, g, b); cairo_move_to(self.ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(self.ctx, text.as_ptr()); } } fn image(&mut self, pos: Point, im: &Self::NativeImage) { let x = f64::from(pos.0); let y = f64::from(pos.1); unsafe { gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(self.ctx, im.0, x, y); cairo_paint(self.ctx); } } } impl MapEditor { /// Propagates updated information to widgets. pub fn cause_update(&mut self) { unsafe { gtk_widget_queue_draw(*self.draw); } } } impl std::ops::Deref for MapEditor { type Target = editor::MapEditor; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {&self.edit} } impl std::ops::DerefMut for MapEditor { #[inline] fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {&mut self.edit} } impl std::ops::Deref for Refc<'_, T> { type Target = *mut T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {&self.p} } impl Drop for Refc<'_, T> { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { g_object_unref(self.p as _); } } } impl Refc<'_, T> { /// Creates a new `Refc` which will own an already referenced object. pub const fn new(p: *mut T) -> Self {Self{p, l: PhantomData}} /// Creates a new `Refc` which will hold a reference to the object. pub fn own(p: *mut T) -> Self {unsafe {g_object_ref(p as _);} Self::new(p)} } /// An image for a `CrDrawArea`. pub struct CrImage(pub *const GdkPixbuf); /// A `DrawArea` for a Cairo surface. pub struct CrDrawArea { ctx: *mut cairo_t, w: Coord, h: Coord, } /// Specialized map editor which has callbacks for frontend purposes. pub struct MapEditor { pub edit: editor::MapEditor, pub draw: Refc<'static, GtkWidget>, } /// A runtime reference to the map editor. pub type MapEditorRef = std::cell::RefCell; /// A GObject owned pointer. pub struct Refc<'a, T> { p: *mut T, l: PhantomData<&'a *mut T>, } // EOF