//! Shapes file collection type. use crate::{bin::rd_ofstable, err::*}; use super::{bmap, clut, fram, sequ}; /// Reads a `Collection`. pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS { read_data! { endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 544, start: 0, data { let version = u16[0]; let cl_type = u16[2] enum CollectionType; let clr_num = u16[6] usize; let tab_num = u16[8] usize; let tab_ofs = u32[10] usize; let seq_num = u16[14] usize; let seq_ofs = u32[16] usize; let frm_num = u16[20] usize; let frm_ofs = u32[22] usize; let bmp_num = u16[26] usize; let bmp_ofs = u32[28] usize; } } if version != 3 { bail!("invalid collection definition"); } let tabs = clut::read(b, tab_ofs, tab_num, clr_num)?; let bmps = rd_ofstable(b, bmp_ofs, bmp_num, bmap::read)?; let frms = rd_ofstable(b, frm_ofs, frm_num, fram::read)?; let seqs = rd_ofstable(b, seq_ofs, seq_num, sequ::read)?; Ok(Collection{ctyp: cl_type, tabs, bmps, frms, seqs}) } /// A collection of color tables, bitmaps, frames and sequences. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Collection { /// The type of collection this is. pub ctyp: CollectionType, /// All of the color tables in this collection. pub tabs: Vec, /// All of the bitmaps in this collection. pub bmps: Vec, /// All of the frames in this collection. pub frms: Vec, /// All of the sequences in this collection. pub seqs: Vec, } c_enum! { /// The type of a collection. #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))] pub enum CollectionType: u16 { Unused = 0, Wall = 1, Object = 2, Interface = 3, Scenery = 4, } } // EOF