//! Shapes file sequence type. use crate::{bin::OptU16, err::*, text::{mac_roman_conv, pascal_str}, xfer::TransferMode}; use std::convert::TryFrom; /// Reads a `Sequence`. pub fn read(b: &[u8]) -> ResultS { read_data! { endian: BIG, buf: b, size: 88, start: 0, data { let name = u8[4; 34]; let v_type = u16[38] enum ViewType; let frames = u16[40]; let ticks = u16[42]; let key = u16[44]; let xfer = u16[46] enum TransferMode; let xfer_pd = u16[48]; let snd_beg = OptU16[50]; let snd_key = OptU16[52]; let snd_end = OptU16[54]; let loop_f = u16[58]; } } let name = mac_roman_conv(ok!(pascal_str(name), "bad string")?); Ok(Sequence{name, v_type, frames, ticks, key, xfer, xfer_pd, snd_beg, snd_key, snd_end, loop_f}) } /// A sequence, also known as a high level shape. #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))] #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Sequence { /// The display name for this sequence. pub name: String, /// The view type for each frame in this sequence. pub v_type: ViewType, /// The number of frames in this sequence. pub frames: u16, /// The number of ticks each frame in this sequence takes. pub ticks: u16, /// The key frame index for this sequence. pub key: u16, /// The transfer mode to play over this sequence. pub xfer: TransferMode, /// The period in game ticks the transfer mode plays over. pub xfer_pd: u16, /// The sound to play at the beginning of this sequence. pub snd_beg: OptU16, /// The sound to play at the key frame of this sequence. pub snd_key: OptU16, /// The sound to play at the end of this sequence. pub snd_end: OptU16, /// Which frame to loop on. pub loop_f: u16, } c_enum! { /// The type of or number of views for a sequence. #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_obj", derive(serde::Serialize))] #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ViewType: u16 { Anim = 1, Anim8from2 = 2, Anim4from3 = 3, Anim4 = 4, Anim8from5 = 5, Anim8 = 8, Anim5from3 = 9, Still = 10, Anim5 = 11, } } // EOF