100 1 10 100 1 10 False Map View 600 400 True True always always top-right False True False adj-map-horz adj-map-vert True False 65535 1 10 False 5 Map Properties True False vertical 5 True False 0 none True False 12 True True The name of the map. Unicode symbols that are supported by the Mac OS Roman encoding are converted automatically when saved. True False Map Name False True 0 True False 5 True False vertical 5 True True False 0 none True False 0 0 0 12 True False The texture collection to use for the map. This is one of five bitmap collections stored in the Shapes file. 0 Water Lava Sewage Jjaro Pfhor True False Texture Set False True 0 True False 0 none True False 0 0 0 12 True False The sky to display on sides which are marked as "Landscape." This is the sole bitmap of one of four collections in the Shapes file. 0 Lh'owon Day Lh'owon Night Moon Space True False Landscape False True 1 True True 0 True False These flags mark which game modes this map can be used in. 0 in True False 12 True False True False vertical Solo True True False The map can be played in single-player. True False True 0 Co-op True True False The map can be played in multi-player co-operative. True False True 1 Carnage True True False The map can be played in multi-player Carnage. True False True 2 KTMWTB True True False The map can be played in multi-player Kill The Man With The Ball True False True 3 True True 0 True False vertical King Of The Hill True True False The map can be played in multi-player King of the Hill. True False True 0 Defense True True False The map can be played in multi-player Defense. True False True 1 Rugby True True False The map can be played in multi-player Rugby. True False True 2 Capture The Flag True True False The map can be played in multi-player Capture The Flag. True False True 3 True True 1 True False Entry Flags True True 1 True True 1 True False 10 True False These flags are used to determine what the player must do to get success conditions in computer terminals. 0 in True False vertical True False Vanilla False True 0 Extermination True True False Player must kill all monsters on the map, with an error threshold of 8 aliens maximum. True False True 1 Exploration True True False Player must explore all marked polygons. True False True 2 Retrieval True True False Player must grab all items marked items. True False True 3 Repair True True False Player must flip all marked switches. True False True 4 Rescue True True False Player must keep 50% or more civilians alive. True False True 5 True False Aleph One False True 6 M1 Exploration True True False The same as Exploration, but you only need to look at each marked polygon, not actually walk in them. True False True 7 M1 Rescue True True False The same as Rescue, but uses the Marathon 1 class numbers. True False True 8 M1 Repair True True False The same as Repair, except it only requires that the last switch (by side index) be switched to succeed. True False True 9 True False Mission Flags True True 0 True False These flags are used to enable various environmental effects. 0 in True False vertical True False Vanilla False True 0 Vacuum True True False Most weapons will not work, and the oxygen bar will deplete. True False True 1 Magnetic True True False The motion sensor will behave erratically. True False True 2 Rebellion True True False Items and health will be stripped, and S'pht enemies will become friendly. True False True 3 Low Gravity True True False Gravity will be halved. True False True 4 True False Aleph One False True 5 Marathon 1 Glue True True False Glue handles like Marathon 1. True False True 6 Lava Floor True True False The floor damages you. True False True 7 Rebellion (No strip) True True False The same as Rebellion, but your items and health aren't stripped. True False True 8 Music True True False The map has Marathon 1-style music. True False True 9 Terminals Stop Time True True False Terminals will pause the game in Solo. True False True 10 M1 Monster Limits True True False Sets the monster activation limits to Marathon 1's. True False True 11 M1 Weapon Differences True True False Doubles weapon pickups on Total Carnage and makes grenades low-gravity. True False True 12 True False Environment Flags True True 1 True True 2 True False 0 in True False 8 True False True True False This field is unused and must be either 0 or 1. It used to be used to give different physics to the map editor and low gravity before it was made into an environment flag. 0 none True False 0 0 0 0 12 True True 0 True adj-phys-id True True True True False Physics ID False False 0 True False This field overrides the Landscape field, and is used for Marathon 1 maps which have music. 0 none True False 0 0 0 0 12 True True This field is unused and must be either 0 or 1. It used to be used to give different physics to the map editor and low gravity before it was made into an environment flag. 0 True adj-phys-id True True True True False Song ID False False 1 True False Advanced Options (Use at your own peril) True True 3 True False 24 tycho-lines True False 24 tycho-points True False 24 tycho-polys False Tool Palette 250 True True False vertical True False Geometry True False Points True img-points Points Tool The tool that modifies points in the map. push-button True True False Lines True img-lines Lines Tool The tool which modifies line segments on the map. push-button True 1 True False Polygons True img-polys Polygon Tool The tool which modifies polygon shapes on the map. push-button True 2 Geometry Collection All of the tools which modify map geometry. column-header True Tycho Tool Palette Tycho's tool palette window. window False True dialog Tycho Map Editor By Alison Sanderson. Public domain. greetigs i am tico the of superior ai to durdumbal go shoot my soldiers because its funny or ill put you in space Home Page To the extent possible under law, I, Alison Sanderson, have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Document as described by the Creative Commons Zero license as follows: Creative Commons Legal Code CC0 1.0 Universal CREATIVE COMMONS CORPORATION IS NOT A LAW FIRM AND DOES NOT PROVIDE LEGAL SERVICES. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CREATE AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP. CREATIVE COMMONS PROVIDES THIS INFORMATION ON AN "AS-IS" BASIS. CREATIVE COMMONS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION OR WORKS PROVIDED HEREUNDER, AND DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION OR WORKS PROVIDED HEREUNDER. 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Affirmer understands and acknowledges that Creative Commons is not a party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to this CC0 or use of the Work. image-loading custom False vertical 2 False end False False 0 About Screen The about screen for Tycho. dialog False Tycho False 120 250 True False ttb True False _File True True False True False Create a new project. _New Project True True False Opens any type of project file. _Open True True False Saves the currently open project. _Save True True False True False Quit the application. _Quit True True False _View True True False True False Opens the map view window. Show _Map View True True False Opens the map toolbox window. Show Map _Tools True True False Show Map _Properties True True False True False True _Info True True False True False Opens a window with information about this program. _About True