#!/usr/bin/env fish set err_ok 0 set err_bad_arg 1 set err_bad_run 2 set appdir set dmg set tmpdir function rm_if -a name if test -d $name rm -rf "$name" and echo "removed dir $name" else if test -f $name rm -f "$name" and echo "removed file $name" end return 0 end function perish -a ret rm_if "$tmpdir" exit "$ret" end function err -a ret echo "error, dropping build" rm_if "$appdir" rm_if "$dmg" perish $ret end function : echo "$argv" echo eval "$argv" || err $err_bad_run end set icon_name_Tycho "resources/icons/pfhor-hand_1024@2x.svgz" set name $argv[1] set exe $argv[2] if test ! $name echo "program name needed (available: Tycho)" err $err_bad_arg end if test ! $exe echo "full path to executable required (ex. '$_ $name ~/bin/maraiah-tycho')" err $err_bad_arg end set app $name.app set srcdir $PWD/(string lower "$name") set exedir (dirname "$exe") set appdir $exedir/$app set tmpdir (mktemp -d) set diskdir $tmpdir/disk set icondir $tmpdir/$name.iconset set icon_name "icon_name_$name" set icon_name $$icon_name set icon $srcdir/$icon_name set dmg $exedir/$name.dmg : rm_if "$appdir" : mkdir -p "$appdir/Contents/"{Frameworks,MacOS,Resources} : cp "$exe" "$appdir/Contents/MacOS" : cp "$srcdir/resources/Info.plist" "$appdir/Contents" : mkdir -p "$icondir" : rsvg-convert -w 16 -h 16 "$icon" -o "$icondir/icon_16x16.png" : rsvg-convert -w 32 -h 32 "$icon" -o "$icondir/icon_32x32.png" : rsvg-convert -w 64 -h 64 "$icon" -o "$icondir/icon_64x64.png" : rsvg-convert -w 128 -h 128 "$icon" -o "$icondir/icon_128x128.png" : rsvg-convert -w 256 -h 256 "$icon" -o "$icondir/icon_256x256.png" : rsvg-convert -w 512 -h 512 "$icon" -o "$icondir/icon_512x512.png" : rsvg-convert -w 1024 -h 1024 "$icon" -o "$icondir/icon_512x512@2x.png" : cp "$icondir/icon_32x32.png" "$icondir/icon_16x16@2x.png" : cp "$icondir/icon_64x64.png" "$icondir/icon_32x32@2x.png" : cp "$icondir/icon_256x256.png" "$icondir/icon_128x128@2x.png" : cp "$icondir/icon_512x512.png" "$icondir/icon_256x256@2x.png" : iconutil -c icns -o "$appdir/Contents/Resources/$name.icns" "$icondir" for lnk in (cat "$exedir"/build/maraiah-tycho-*/out/etc/link.txt) set lnk (dirname "$lnk") : cp -r "$lnk" "$appdir/Contents/Frameworks" end echo "success: bundle written to $appdir" if test ! "$NO_DMG" echo "creating the disk image..." : rm_if "$dmg" : mkdir -p "$diskdir" : cp -r "$appdir" "$diskdir" : cp "$srcdir/resources/Image.DS_Store" "$diskdir/.DS_Store" : ln -s /Applications "$diskdir" : hdiutil create -volname "$name" -srcfolder "$diskdir" "$dmg" echo "success: dmg written to $dmg" end perish $err_ok ## EOF