MapProps Qt::WindowModal 0 0 467 668 Map Properties 16777215 194 Map Info Map Name The name of the map. 65 Texture Set 0 0 The texture set used by the map. Landscape 0 0 The landscape/sky background for the map. Music No. false 0 0 The music number used in this map. Only enabled if the "Music" flag is on. Entry Flags Carnage KTMWTB Co-operative Solo King of the Hill Defense Rugby Capture the Flag Environment Flags Vacuum Magnetic Rebellion Low Gravity Marathon 1 Glue Lava Floor Rebellion (No Strip) Music Terminals Stop Time M1 Monster Limits M1 Weapon Differences Mission Flags Extermination Exploration Retrieval Repair Rescue M1 Exploration M1 Rescue M1 Repair Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() MapProps accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() MapProps reject() 316 260 286 274