# Maraiah Public domain tools for editing data for the Marathon engine. The name "Maraiah" is derived from the Japanese transliteration of "Mariah," and is pronounced "mah-rye-uhh" (/mɑɹaɪʌ/ in IPA.) It has no special meaning. ## `maraiah` The basis of this project is the Rust project `maraiah` which provides functions and structures to build applications which work with Marathon's data. See [the crate documentation](source/lib.rs) for more information. `maraiah` does not have any special dependencies. To compile, run `cargo build`. ## `maraiah-leela` `maraiah-leela` is a CLI utility that essentially allows for a direct user interface to the underlying Maraiah library. `maraiah-leela` does not have any special dependencies. To compile, run `cargo build -p maraiah-leela`. ## `maraiah-tycho` `maraiah-tycho` is a map editor written in C++ and Rust using Qt. `maraiah-tycho` requires `librsvg` and `pigz` to compile the icons. `librsvg` is also required for the bundle script.`fish` is also required for the icon compilation script and the bundle script. The runtime dependencies are Qt5's Core, GUI, and Widgets libraries, and a C++ runtime. To compile, `cd` to `tycho`, run `./gen_icons.fish`, and then compile with `cargo build -p maraiah-tycho`. If you wish to create a Macintosh Application Bundle, run `./bundle.fish`. This will also create an installer DMG. If you don't want to create an installer and just want the app, run `env NO_DMG=1 ./bundle.fish`.