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314 lines
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// Copyright © 2016-2017 Graham Sanderson, all rights reserved.
#ifdef FromUI
if(p->num == 0) {
ServerInt("Difficulty Base", "%", "lith_sv_difficulty", 1, 100);
ServerFloat("Score multiplier", "x", "lith_sv_scoremul", 0, 10);
ServerBool("Explode on death", "lith_sv_revenge");
ServerInt("Autosave Interval", "min", "lith_sv_autosave", 0, 30);
ServerBool("Disable phantoms", "lith_sv_nobosses");
ServerBool("Don't pick up ammo when full", "lith_sv_nofullammo");
Float("Horizontal cursor speed", "x", "lith_gui_xmul", 0.1f, 2.0f);
Float("Vertical cursor speed", "x", "lith_gui_ymul", 0.1f, 2.0f);
Enum("Color theme", "lith_gui_theme", 0, cbi_theme_max-1, "%S", ThemeName(set));
Enum("Cursor", "lith_gui_cursor", 0, gui_curs_max-1, "%S", CursName(set));
ServerBool("Pause while in menu", "lith_sv_pauseinmenus");
Float("Damage bob multiplier", "x", "lith_player_damagebobmul", 0.0f, 1.0f);
Bool("Bob view when damaged", "lith_player_damagebob");
Float("Footstep volume", "x", "lith_player_footstepvol", 0.0f, 1.0f);
Float("View tilt", "x", "lith_player_viewtilt", 0.0f, 1.0f);
Bool("Log score gained", "lith_player_scorelog");
Bool("Play a sound when score is gained", "lith_player_scoresound");
Bool("Play sounds on the results screen", "lith_player_resultssound");
Bool("Invert mouse in netgames (hack)", "lith_player_invertmouse");
if(p->num == 0) {
ServerBool("Bright weapon pickups", "lith_player_brightweps");
ServerBool("No item effects", "lith_player_noitemfx");
Bool("Teleport in bought items and upgrades", "lith_player_teleshop");
Bool("Stupid pickup messages", "lith_player_stupidpickups");
Bool("Log ammo pickups", "lith_player_ammolog");
Float("Scope zoom factor", "x", "lith_weapons_zoomfactor", 1.0f, 10.0f);
Float("Scope opacity", "x", "lith_weapons_scopealpha", 0.0f, 1.0f);
Float("Weapon opacity", "x", "lith_weapons_alpha", 0.0f, 1.0f);
Float("Recoil amount", "x", "lith_weapons_recoil", 0.0f, 1.0f);
if(p->pclass == pcl_marine) {
Bool("Modal Rifle scope", "lith_weapons_riflescope");
Bool("Clear rifle mode on switch", "lith_weapons_riflemodeclear");
if(p->num == 0) {
ServerBool("Emit casings from weapons", "lith_weapons_casings");
ServerBool("Drop magazines from weapons", "lith_weapons_magdrops");
ServerBool("Casings fade out", "lith_weapons_casingfadeout");
ServerBool("Magazines fade out", "lith_weapons_magfadeout");
Bool("Magic selection animations", "lith_weapons_magicselanims");
Bool("Slot 3 weapons take ammo", "lith_weapons_slot3ammo");
Category("Heads Up Display");
Bool("Show score", "lith_hud_showscore");
Bool("Show weapons", "lith_hud_showweapons");
Bool("Show log", "lith_hud_showlog");
Bool("Draw log from top of screen", "lith_hud_logfromtop");
Bool("Draw reactive armor indicator", "lith_hud_showarmorind");
Int("Crosshair red", "/255", "lith_xhair_r", 0, 255);
Int("Crosshair green", "/255", "lith_xhair_g", 0, 255);
Int("Crosshair blue", "/255", "lith_xhair_b", 0, 255);
Int("Crosshair alpha", "/255", "lith_xhair_a", 0, 255);
Enum("Crosshair style", "lith_xhair_style", 1, 7, "%S", XHairName(set));
Bool("Crosshair enabled", "lith_xhair_enable");
Category("Vital Scanner");
Int("X offset", "px", "lith_scanner_xoffs", -160, 160);
Int("Y offset", "px", "lith_scanner_yoffs", -180, 20);
Enum("Color", "lith_scanner_color", 'a', 'v', "\C%c%S", set, ColorName(set));
Bool("Slide to target", "lith_scanner_slide");
Bool("Health bar", "lith_scanner_bar");
Bool("Alternate font", "lith_scanner_altfont");
if(p->num == 0) {
ServerBool("Rain in outside areas", "lith_sv_rain");
ServerBool("Replace skies", "lith_sv_sky");
#undef Category
#undef Bool
#undef Float
#undef Int
#undef ServerBool
#undef ServerFloat
#undef ServerInt
#undef Enum
#undef CBox
#undef FromUI
#include "lith_common.h"
#include "lith_player.h"
#include "lith_world.h"
#include <ctype.h>
// Static Functions ----------------------------------------------------------|
// ColorName
static __str ColorName(char ch)
static __str const colors[] = {
"Brick", "Tan", "Grey", "Green", "Brown", "Gold", "Red", "Blue",
"Orange", "White", "Yellow", "Default", "Black", "Light Blue", "Cream",
"Olive", "Dark Green", "Dark Red", "Dark Brown", "Purple", "Dark Grey",
if(ch < 'a' || ch > 'v') return "Unknown";
else return colors[ch - 'a'];
// ThemeName
static __str ThemeName(int num)
static __str const themes[] = {
"Green", "Rose", "Umi", "Ender", "Orange", "Grey", "Bassilla", "Ghost",
if(num < 0 || num >= cbi_theme_max) return "Unknown";
else return themes[num];
// CursName
static __str CursName(int num)
static __str const cursors[] = {
"Green", "Pink", "Blue", "Orange", "Red", "White", "Outline",
"Outline (Tail)", "Inv. Outline", "Inv. Outline (Tail)"
if(num < 0 || num >= gui_curs_max) return "Unknown";
else return cursors[num];
// XHairName
static __str XHairName(int num)
static __str const xhairs[] = {
"Cross", "Circle", "Delta", "Oval", "Basic", "Delear", "Finirentur"
if(num < 1 || num > countof(xhairs)) return "Unknown";
else return xhairs[num - 1];
// Extern Functions ----------------------------------------------------------|
// Lith_CBITab_Settings
void Lith_CBITab_Settings(gui_state_t *g, struct player *p)
int y = 0;
#define Category(...) y += 20
#define Bool(...) y += 10
#define Float(...) y += 10
#define Int(...) y += 10
#define ServerBool(...) y += 10
#define ServerFloat(...) y += 10
#define ServerInt(...) y += 10
#define Enum(...) y += 10
#define CBox(...) y += 10
#define FromUI
#include "p_settings.c"
Lith_GUI_ScrollBegin(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr, 15, 30, 280, 192, y);
y = 0;
#define Label(label) \
do { \
HudMessageF("CBIFONT", label); \
HudMessagePlain(g->hid--, g->ox + 2.1, g->oy + y + 0.1, TS); \
} while(0)
#define Category(name) \
do { \
if(!Lith_GUI_ScrollOcclude(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr, y, 20)) \
{ \
HudMessageF("CHFONT", "\Cn" name); \
HudMessagePlain(g->hid--, g->ox + 140.0, g->oy + y + 5.1, TS); \
} \
y += 20; \
} while(0)
#define Bool(label, cvar) \
do { \
if(!Lith_GUI_ScrollOcclude(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr, y, 10)) \
__with(bool on = p->getCVarI(cvar);) \
{ \
Label(label); \
if(Lith_GUI_Button(g, on ? "On" : "Off", 280 - guipre.btnlist.w, y, Pre(btnlist))) \
p->setCVarI(cvar, !on); \
} \
y += 10; \
} while(0)
#define Float(label, s, cvar, minima, maxima) \
do { \
if(!Lith_GUI_ScrollOcclude(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr, y, 10)) \
__with(double set = p->getCVarK(cvar), diff;) \
{ \
Label(label); \
if((diff = Lith_GUI_Slider(g, 280 - guipre.slddef.w, y, minima, maxima, set, .suf = s))) \
p->setCVarK(cvar, set + diff); \
} \
y += 10; \
} while(0)
#define Int(label, s, cvar, minima, maxima) \
do { \
if(!Lith_GUI_ScrollOcclude(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr, y, 10)) \
__with(int set = p->getCVarI(cvar), diff;) \
{ \
Label(label); \
if((diff = Lith_GUI_Slider(g, 280 - guipre.slddef.w, y, minima, maxima, set, true, .suf = s))) \
p->setCVarI(cvar, set + diff); \
} \
y += 10; \
} while(0)
#define ServerBool(label, cvar) \
do { \
if(!Lith_GUI_ScrollOcclude(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr, y, 10)) \
__with(bool on = ACS_GetCVar(cvar);) \
{ \
Label(label); \
if(Lith_GUI_Button(g, on ? "On" : "Off", 280 - guipre.btnlist.w, y, Pre(btnlist))) \
ACS_SetCVar(cvar, !on); \
} \
y += 10; \
} while(0)
#define ServerFloat(label, s, cvar, minima, maxima) \
do { \
if(!Lith_GUI_ScrollOcclude(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr, y, 10)) \
__with(double set = ACS_GetCVarFixed(cvar), diff;) \
{ \
Label(label); \
if((diff = Lith_GUI_Slider(g, 280 - guipre.slddef.w, y, minima, maxima, set, .suf = s))) \
ACS_SetCVarFixed(cvar, set + diff); \
} \
y += 10; \
} while(0)
#define ServerInt(label, s, cvar, minima, maxima) \
do { \
if(!Lith_GUI_ScrollOcclude(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr, y, 10)) \
__with(int set = ACS_GetCVar(cvar), diff;) \
{ \
Label(label); \
if((diff = Lith_GUI_Slider(g, 280 - guipre.slddef.w, y, minima, maxima, set, true, .suf = s))) \
ACS_SetCVar(cvar, set + diff); \
} \
y += 10; \
} while(0)
#define Enum(label, cvar, minima, maxima, fmt, ...) \
do { \
if(!Lith_GUI_ScrollOcclude(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr, y, 10)) \
__with(int set = p->getCVarI(cvar);) \
{ \
Label(label); \
if(Lith_GUI_Button_Id(g, 0, .x = 280 - (guipre.btnnexts.w*2), y, set == minima, Pre(btnprevs))) \
p->setCVarI(cvar, set - 1); \
if(Lith_GUI_Button_Id(g, 1, .x = 280 - guipre.btnnexts.w , y, set == maxima, Pre(btnnexts))) \
p->setCVarI(cvar, set + 1); \
HudMessageF("CBIFONT", fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \
HudMessagePlain(g->hid--, g->ox + 200.1, g->oy + y + 0.1, TS); \
} \
y += 10; \
} while(0)
#define CBox(label, on, ...) \
do { \
if(!Lith_GUI_ScrollOcclude(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr, y, 10)) \
{ \
Label(label); \
if(Lith_GUI_Checkbox(g, on, 240, y + 5, Pre(cbxsmall))) \
(__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
y += 10; \
} while(0)
#define FromUI
#include "p_settings.c"
#undef Label
Lith_GUI_ScrollEnd(g, &CBIState(g)->settingscr);
// EOF