![Lithium](http://mab.greyserv.net/f/Lithium_logo.png) # Overview A mod in which you shoot things until they die. See the ZDoom forums thread linked above for more details. # Code The code in Lithium is half C and half DECORATE. The C code is compiled to ACS bytecode with [GDCC](https://github.com/DavidPH/GDCC), an awesome compiler made by a crazy compiler man. The C code is rather terse at times, and scarcely commented, but hopefully it should be understandable enough. I tend to use a lot of GDCC's C extensions, so some of the code may be a bit confusing for purists. # Licensing All of the content and source code in this project is copyrighted unless otherwise stated. Do not use it elsewhere without permission. See pk7/credits.txt for more information. All DECORATE code in the `pksrc/lscripts` folder is public domain as defined by [the CC0 license](http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). GDCC's libc is distributed under the LGPL license as detailed in `pk7/licenses/copylib.txt`. Respect content creators, ask permission before using something from this mod.