// Terminals -----------------------------------------------------------------| // terminal 1 unfinished { remote "OCS@localhost" if class CyberMage { logon "LogonAOF" `\ch2929ff\cm..\cr4-\cg<<>> info @@ `\cdThe armory is currently under lock-down due to the invading forces. `There is an \cnoverride KeyDisk\cd available, but it is itself currently `locked in storage. ` `\cdNot to worry, though. There is a nearby access point that can request `the disk be... \cnrelocated\cd. One of the gateways opened by the `intruders can be used for this, but unfortunately in doing so you will `also have to temporarily open it to them as well. @@ pict 1 @@ `\cdOnce you have the \cnoverride disk\cd and have made your way inside `the armory proper, acquire one of the weapons there and \cfI will `relocate you from this terminal\cd. @@ logoff "LogonAOF" } else { logon "UAC" `\cd*** ON-BOARD COMMAND SYSTEM ACCESS TERMINAL *** pict 3 `\cgtodo logoff "UAC" } } // EOF