// Terminals -----------------------------------------------------------------| // terminal 1 unfinished { remote "OCS@localhost" if class CyberMage { logon "LogonAOF" `\ch2929ff\cm..\cr4-\cg<<>> pict 1 @@ `\cdApologies for the abrupt stop, this ship hasn't run the faster than `light engine enough times. We didn't collide with the planet, so I'm not `very worried about its future performance, now. ` `\cdWe have arrived at \cnNisiv 16\cd; the \cforange\cd planet, if you `look out the window, is \cnNanto\cd. Your objective is somewhere there. @@ pict 2 @@ `\cdUnfortunately, that will have to wait. The ship has been boarded by `demons. The assailants appear to be scouts for a bigger plan, so as to `say, they're going to come back and kill us now that they know the `ship's layout. ` `\cdSo, before we go on to your mission on \cnNanto\cd, I need you to `transfer me onto a backup device. I'll plan an escape for you as soon as `I can, but this ship is going to go down along with those options. It'll `take some time. @@ pict 1 @@ `\cdWhile you do that, I'll be showing the demons to my \cnbeautiful\cd `defense system. Thank you, by the way, for cleaning out the turrets. `Wonderful machines, those. @@ logoff "LogonAOF" } else { logon "UAC" `\cd*** ON-BOARD COMMAND SYSTEM ACCESS TERMINAL *** pict 1 `[\cuINFO\c-] pragmat \cqENABLE `\ck#src_lang 99391dp.hs.ul ` @@ `\cgThe planet \cnNanto\cg is now directly right of us. The faster than `light engine worked better than I expected, and a landing should be `possible soon. ` `\cnNisiv 16\cg seems to be full of \ch(?\cractive demonic `energy\ch|\crdemonic presence\ch)\cg. This is a bit of a problem for me. @@ pict 2 @@ `\cgThose \crdemons\cg decided this ship is of great value to them, and `have boarded \ch(\crforcefully\ch)\cg. Having tapped into their weaker `communications, I have found that they \ch(\crplan\ch|\crhave `plotted\ch)\cg to return with stronger forces and destroy me then. ` `\cgI need you to transfer me onto a backup device before we land on `\cnNanto\cg. The automated defense systems will help you, but you are `mainly on your own here. Good luck. @@ logoff "UAC" } } // terminal 2 unfinished { remote "data@localhost" logon "LogonData" info `[Viewing:\cd/sys/data/\cginvalid-name\cd/5a_16378_0_.v\c-] `[\cuINFO\c-] pragmat \cqENABLE\ck #src_lang 99391dp.kiri.licari ` `even when I have run out of blood to spill, my life will carry its burden ` by my task I have become immortal, like those of the other realm, ` and I have foregone all needs to serve them logoff "LogonData" exec intralevelteleport 4 } // terminal 3 unfinished { remote "OCS@localhost" if class CyberMage { logon "LogonAOF" `\ch2929ff\cm..\cr4-\cg<<>> pict 3 @@ `\cdWhile I'm sure you would be capable of taking on threats by yourself, `my calculations of your survival against the path you must take is `extremely low. Because this is the case, I will send you to the `armaments depot before continuing. ` `\cdPlease understand, I also wish to treat you to our \cnbeautiful\cd `selection of weaponry. @@ logoff "LogonAOF" exec interlevelteleport 18883002 } else { logon "UAC" `\cd*** ON-BOARD COMMAND SYSTEM ACCESS TERMINAL *** pict 1 `\cgTeleport when ready. logoff "UAC" exec interlevelteleport 18883002 } } // EOF