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2018-08-08 21:02:47 -07:00
## Updates -------------------------------------------------------------------|
## Header format:
## \cf(\ciDate\cf) \cjFrom \cnOld\cj to \cfNew\cj:
## Specifiers:
## Addition = \cd+
## Changed = \cj|
## Removed = \cg-
## Subspace = \cb]
\cf(\ciNov. 22, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.5.2\cj to \cf1.5.3\cj:
\cd+ Added a player levelling system with 7 stats.
\cb] Monsters will scale to your level.
\cd+ Added palette flashes for picking up special items.
\cd+ Added a puff to homing SMG tracers.
\cd+ Added a separate animation for when phantoms escape.
\cd+ Added new explosive barrels.
\cd+ Added new pickup sprites for ammo and skull keys.
\cd+ Added a debug weapon.
\cd+ Added more quit messages.
\cd+ Added an idle sound to the Star Destroyer.
\cd+ Added compatibility for Cheogsh and Eternal Doom 4.
\cj| Changed maximum monster level from 100 to 150.
\cj| Increased game-over timer by 50 hours.
\cj| Made Modal Rifle not require a CBI upgrade.
\cj| Changed payout gain and tax.
\cj| Changed ammo pickup score multiplier.
\cj| Fixed selling weapons giving extra score.
\cj| Fixed the aspect ratio of HUD elements.
\cj| Made boss health easier to read while healthbars are disabled.
\cj| Improved performance in high-monster-density maps.
\cj| Improved GUI performance slightly.
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_5_3_Page2
\cj| Changed the default automap colors.
\cj| Replaced the small font and console fonts.
\cj| Made players not collide with eachother in multiplayer.
\cj| Fixed Cyber-Mage's magic selector breaking weapons in multiplayer.
\cj| Fixed pause-in-menus breaking stuff in multiplayer.
\cj| Fixed visual rank not being set properly on non-compatible enemies.
\cj| Fixed Heretic weapons not being replaced.
\cj| Fixed Phantoms turning into chickens breaking the confines of reality.
\cj| Fixed the size of Rend and the SMG's tracer bullets.
\cj| Fixed PauseManager sometimes crashing the VM.
\cg- Removed mana regeneration.
\cf(\ciSep. 4, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.5.1\cj to \cf1.5.2\cj:
\cj| Fixed function pointer errors on upgrade init.
\cf(\ciAug. 36, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.5\cj to \cf1.5.1\cj:
\cd+ Added an auto-save setting.
\cd+ Added an API, so external C code can access all of Lithium by
\cd LOADing lithmain.
\cd+ Added indicators for upgrades that work with eachother.
\cd+ Added a footstep sound setting.
\cd+ Added a view tilt setting.
\cd+ Added the Elec. Binding upgrade.
\cd+ Added the Shock Charge upgrade.
\cd+ Added the Stealth System upgrade.
\cd+ Added an active (HUD) debug level (0x02/log_devh).
\cd+ Added a new class selection screen.
\cd+ Added a new skill selection screen.
\cd+ Added a system for allowing Phantoms to spawn mid-level.
\cd+ Added magic selection animations.
\cd+ Added a world sprite for Hulgyon.
\cd+ Added a magazine drop setting.
\cd+ Added sprites for the CBI upgrades that had placeholder sprites.
\cj| Improved the SPAS' reload animation (thanks, Shivers!)
\cj| Improved the SMG's reload animation slightly
\cj| Improved the Combat Rifle's reload animation slightly
\cj| Fixed junk frames in Extra Hard enemies.
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_5_1_Page2
\cj| Fixed death exits adding a bunch of junk to the upgrades menu.
\cj| Fixed the "resurrect" cheat not working.
\cj| Fixed the SPAS description listing the wrong capacity.
\cj| Made Romyetya and Blade do more damage with Berserk.
\cj| Changed the way magic selection works, so closing the menu will select.
\cj| Moved source code out of the packaged file.
\cj| Changed the compression from 7-zip to Zip, due to performance issues.
\cj| Made the Ion Rifle allow switching while reloading.
\cj| Buffed the SPAS.
\cj| Reduced the ammo taken by the Pulse Charger.
\cj| Made the Overloader upgrade un-scope when firing.
\cj| Changed the settings menu slightly.
\cj| Made Performance Rating more transparent for Cyber-Mage.
\cj| Made dialogue/terminal text log to the console.
\cj| Made Feuer not flash the screen when firing.
\cj| Re-balanced Cyber-Mage's weapon upgrade prices.
\cj| Fixed malignant null pointer dereferences.
\cj| Rewrote James' defeat message.
\cg- Removed the trail from Delear's world sprite.
\cg- Removed Score Golf mode
\cf(\ciAug. 25, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.5 beta\cj to \cf1.5\cj:
\cd+ Added the remaining Methods:
\cb] Blade, slot 1 - small slash, basic melee
\cb] Feuer, slot 3 - fires out two fireballs
\cb] Delear, slot 2 - fires out 16 projectiles in succession
\cb] Romyetya, slot 4 - rapid slashing attacks
\cb] Hulgyon, slot 5 - fires pillars of energy infront of you
\cb] Hosh'danma, slot 6 - violently fires out a bunch of stars
\cb] Cercle de la Mort, slot 7.
\cd+ Added the remaining upgrades. Go figure those out yourself I'm tired.
\cd+ Added the Shock Rifle, slot 3 Cyber-Mage weapon.
\cd+ Added all the intermission screen stuff.
\cd+ Added pickup sprites for Cyber-Mage.
\cd+ Added sprites for the Ion Rifle.
\cd+ Added new menus! All of them! Really, launch the game! THEY'RE COOL THANK YOU JIMMY
\cd+ Added the Ghost GUI theme.
\cd+ Added the Bassilla GUI theme (thanks, Shivers and Kurashiki!)
\cd+ Added in-game changelog.
\cd+ Added missing info pages.
\cd+ Added new info pages.
\cd+ Added the rest of Cyber-Mage's mail.
\cd+ Added messages when defeating phantoms.
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_5_Page2
\cd+ Added an animation when the SMG overheats.
\cd+ Added an armor type indicator to Cyber-Mage's HUD.
\cd+ Added more pickup sounds.
\cd+ Added Cyber-Mage's Charge Fist sprites.
\cj| Fixed death exits not deinitializing stuff properly.
\cj| Made Star Shot take less mana.
\cj| Fixed weird UDMF maps breaking things.
\cj| Made air-sliding usable when the jet booster is uncharged.
\cj| Improved the way rain audio is handled.
\cj| Made item glow specific to class.
\cj| Improved performance when using ZScript.
\cj| Separated ammo/magazine counting on the HUD.
\cj| Changed the log color for Cyber-Mage.
\cj| Improved the way mail messages and environment settings are handled.
\cj| Made the laser rifle trail prettier.
\cj| Changed the way the Star Destroyer targets enemies, making it even more deadly.
\cj| Fixed the log being positioned wrong for Cyber-Mage.
\cj| Raised the base difficulty to 10.
\cj| Slightly nerfed the Sniper Rifle.
\cj| Made Barons never infight with Knights.
\cj| Fixed some info pages never being unlocked.
\cj| Increased the Missile Launcher's damage.
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_5_Page3
\cj| Slightly changed the SMG's draw sound.
\cj| Moved the TITLEMAP to the doom2 filter, so it won't make some games unplayable.
\cj| Made rain effects better (thanks, Kate!)
\cj| Fixed some ZScript event handler bugs.
\cj| Optimized enemy barrier display, improving performance a ton on huge maps.
\cj| Changed the font on settings menu headers.
\cj| Fixed homing rockets having the wrong sprite when spawning.
\cj| Made mana pickups rainbow-y.
\cj| Fixed a bunch of errors in the boss code. Whoops.
\cj| Made the Finalizer upgrade stronger.
\cj| Made Finalizer deal damage on hit.
\cj| Made Finalizer disintegrate enemies when killed.
\cj| Fixed Hell Knight attack frames.
\cj| Made the monster tracker allocate into a different adderess space. (This is faster.)
\cj| Improved performance slightly in some trigonometry-heavy areas.
\cj| Fixed CBI items being installable twice.
\cj| Made damage bobbing a bit smoother.
\cj| Made the enemy checker simpler and more robust.
\cj| Fixed Delear taking too much Mana.
\cj| Fixed shop weapons not being given correctly.
\cj| Probably fixed some crashing. Probably.
\cf(\ciJul. 17, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.5 alpha 2\cj to \cf1.5 beta\cj:
\cd+ Enemies now have a level and rank, which determine their health
\cd and resistances, et al.
\cd+ Added 3 spells for Cyber-Mage: Delear, Hulgyon and Star Shot.
\cd+ Added a spell selection menu.
\cd+ Added Mana.
\cd+ Added support for monster mods that don't account for Lithium.
\cd+ Added extra support for Colorful Hell.
\cd+ Added new upgrades for Cyber-Mage, half of which are
\cd not implemented yet. The implemented ones include:
\cb] Soul Cleaver
\cb] Finalizer
\cb] SMG Trimag
\cb] Seeker Rounds
\cb] Safety System
\cb] Longinus Solspear
\cj| Improved the settings menu.
\cj| Fixed extremely terrible balance issues.
\cj| Fixed rain only spawning in your line of sight.
\cj| Fixed horrible performance issues with the pause-in-menus setting.
\cj| Made weapon pickup sounds play when selling the weapon.
\cj| Made the Star Destroyer sound slightly nicer in OpenAL.
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_5b_Page2
\cj| Made the Combat Rifle never auto-aim.
\cj| Fixed the Barrier powerup not displaying stacked uses properly.
\cj| Made the Spider Mastermind slightly more dangerous.
\cj| Made the SPAS reload faster.
\cj| Made the upgrades screen prettier.
\cd+ Re-added Heretic support.
\cd+ Added a "log ammo pickups" setting.
\cd+ Added more info pages.
\cd+ Added more unique pickup sounds.
\cd+ Added a "no item effects" setting.
\cd+ Added a pickup sprite for Cyber-Mage's shotgun.
\cj| Decreased memory usage.
\cj| Made the Charge Fist not suck, thanks to Yholl.
\cj| Made the Vital Scanner an implicit upgrade, as it is now necessary.
\cj| Made the Ion Rifle reload automatically on its final shot.
\cj| Fixed upgrades being updated while the game is paused.
\cj| Made the Star Destroyer's projectile smaller.
\cj| Fixed infinite noise emittance with sv_weaponstay on.
\cd+ Added new endings for both player classes.
\cd+ Added more debugging settings.
\cd+ Added something.
\cg- Removed the slide indicator from the HUD
\cf(\ciJul. 7, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.5 alpha\cj to \cf1.5 alpha 2\cj:
\cj| Fixed pausing weapons being caused from external sources
\cj (which broke the adrenaline upgrade completely.)
\cf(\ciJul. 7, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.4\cj to \cf1.5 alpha\cj:
\cd+ Added searching to the info panel.
\cd+ Added an adrenaline indicator to the HUD.
\cd+ Added a test map (named TESTMAP).
\cd+ Added some environment/ambience settings.
\cd May act slightly weird sometimes.
\cd+ Added map spawn IDs for stuff.
\cd+ Added a No Bosses CVar (lith_sv_nobosses).
\cd+ Added dialogue and terminal systems. Don't ask.
\cd+ Added 007 Mode extra upgrade.
\cd+ Added behaviour for several Extra Hard enemies.
\cj| Fixed some rather major bugs.
\cj| Merged extras addon with the main mod.
\cb] ZScript is auto-detected, so it only enables ZScript-only features
\cb when available.
\cb] The mod still mainly targets ZDoom 2.8.1, however running it in newer
\cb GZDoom versions is now stable and will give you extra features.
\cj| Fixed a lot of spelling errors.
\cj| Made the HUD weapon numbers change color when you have more
\cj weapons in that slot.
\cj| Fixed the Spider Mastermind not being terrifying enough.
\cj| Made the rifle clickier as it runs out of ammo.
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_5a_Page2
\cj| Compressed some sounds, reducing the overall file size.
\cj| Fixed some weird balance issues.
\cj| Fixed chaingunners using the wrong sound.
\cj| Replaced slider ticking sound to be less terrible.
\cj| Changed the ground hit sound for the Move Wetware upgrade.
\cj| Fixed bought upgrades actually not giving the right upgrade
\cj sometimes. WHOOPS
\cj| Decreased the price of extra upgrades to be slightly more obtainable.
\cj| Fixed pause in menus not pausing weapon states.
\cg- Removed autogroups due to their hard-to-maintain nature. May add
\cg them back in 1.5 beta in some way.
\cg- Removed heretic support. 2hard4me
\cd+ Added fun
\cf(\ciApr. 14, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.3.1\cj to \cf1.4\cj:
\cd+ Added Phantoms.
\cd+ Added a CBI upgrades/performance system.
\cd+ Added GUI themes.
\cd+ Added a Plasma Pistol upgrade.
\cd+ Added a Particle Beam upgrade.
\cd+ Added a Laser Rifle upgrade.
\cd+ Added a Homing Rocket upgrade.
\cd+ Added new sprites for the Gauss Rifle.
\cd+ Added a Quick Knife buttom.
\cd+ Added a mail system.
\cd+ Added LegenDoom Lite compatibility.
\cd+ Added a score golf mode.
\cd+ Added a teleport-in-items setting.
\cd+ Added a bright weapon pickups setting.
\cd+ Released Extras addon.
\cd+ Released Damage Bob Only mod.
\cd+ Added filtering to the upgrades screen.
\cj| Improved the Upgrades screen.
\cj| Fixed performance issues with the Settings screen.
\cj| Replaced the HUD's background color with black.
\cj| Made the SSG faster, and stronger.
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_4_Page2
\cj| Fixed the Combat Rifle and Sniper Rifle not actually being hitscan.
\cj| Gave Hell Knights/Barons and Cacodemons proper blood colors.
\cj| Re-fixed shop buy messages logging wrong.
\cj| Added the Charge Fist to the shop.
\cj| Fixed some of the info pages.
\cj| Fixed weapon pickups murdering framerate while the level is frozen.
\cj| Fixed the Laser Shotgun not resetting pitch all the way.
\cj| Fixed CVarInfo error under certain games.
\cj| Made weapon pickups look better in OpenGL.
\cj| Fixed weapon pickups breaking in maps with specials attached
\cj to weapons.
\cj| Buffed the Charge Fist.
\cj| Replaced bullet pickup graphics.
\cj| Added a noise when getting hit with Reactive Armor protection.
\cj| Improved the readability of info pages with images.
\cj| Decreased the backpack discount percentage.
\cj| Moved the Settings screen to the BIP.
\cj| Moved keys on the HUD to the top of the screen.
\cj| Fixed obituary messages with the Instant Death downgrade.
\cj| Slightly rebalanced score given by enemies.
\cg- Removed fun
\cd+ Definitely did not add evil gost.
\cf(\ciMar. 16, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.3\cj to \cf1.3.1\cj:
\cj| Fixed maps with ACS scripts in them occasionally causing
\cj reality to collapse.
\cj| Gave the charge fist a better animation and range.
\cj| Fixed resurrected enemies not getting poisoned.
\cj| Increased shell ammo to 60.
\cd+ Added a setting for cursor speed.
\cf(\ciMar. 16, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.2\cj to \cf1.3\cj:
\cj| Rebalanced a lot of stuff, mainly weapons and score amounts.
\cj| Made the cannon a lot easier to use.
\cj| Redid the GUI a bit. Mainly, stretched it from 320x200 to 320x240.
\cj| Improved scrollbars significantly.
\cj| Re-did the heads up display.
\cd+ Added Auto-Groups, which let you quickly toggle or buy upgrades,
\cd as well as auto-buy them.
\cd+ Added the Super Shotgun.
\cd+ Added the Missile Launcher.
\cd+ Added the Charge Fist (replaces chainsaw.)
\cd+ Added a pickup sprite for the Omega Cannon.
\cd+ Added a Poison Shotgun upgrade.
\cd+ Added indicators for mode changes/current mode of the reactive
\cd armor upgrade.
\cd+ Added a display for current score multiplier on the upgrades screen.
\cd+ Added a setting for clearing the combat rifle's mode when
\cd switching weapons.
\cd+ Added a setting for hiding the log.
\cd+ Added a setting for drawing the log from the top of the screen.
\cd+ Added settings for the Vital Scanner upgrade.
\cd+ Added enemy compatibility checker.
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_3_Page2
\cd+ Added a titlemap and title music.
\cd+ Added (badly written) intermission texts.
\cd+ Added a pretty loading screen.
\cd+ Added missing info pages.
\cd+ Added info pages for enemies, some companies I forgot to mention,
\cd and new places.
\cd+ Added an implicit upgrade for zooming in on stuff.
\cd+ Added serious mode.
\cj| Polished the upgrades panel.
\cj| Polished the info panel.
\cj| Made the Move Wetware's ground stomp actually useful.
\cj| Made sold weapon messages more descriptive.
\cj| Fixed sold weapon prices being wrong.
\cj| Fixed bad wording in a lot of the info pages.
\cj| Fixed bad wording in some upgrade descriptions.
\cj| Fixed GUI sliders being wonky.
\cj| Fixed the sniper rifle making things fly into oblivion.
\cj| Made the vital scanner freak out on strong enemies.
\cj| Fixed Auto Reload not having a description.
\cj| Fixed the pistol's info page.
\cj| Fixed the arachnotron/spider mastermind names being wrong.
\cj| Changed some miscallaneous text.
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_3_Page3
\cj| Improved the way the Adrenaline upgrade works.
\cj| Fixed items being picked up too much.
\cj| Fixed score multiplier not being applied occasionally.
\cj| Made the Punctuator Cannon take more ammo.
\cj| Nerfed the reactive armor upgrade.
\cj| Fixed rockets acting weird at certain angles.
\cj| Made the Vital Scanner upgrade cheaper.
\cg- Removed some items from the shop.
\cf(\ciFeb. 1, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.1\cj to \cf1.2\cj:
\cd+ Added logos for companies in the BIP
\cd+ Added a log tab to the CBI for showing things you've done or used
\cd+ Added lith_player_scorelog for logging any score you gain to the HUD
\cd+ Added Heretic support
\cd+ Added new pickup sprites for the shotgun, plasma rifle and combat rifle
\cd+ Added a Revolver weapon to the shop
\cd+ Added new skill definitions - tourist, easy, normal, hard, extra hard,
\cd and nightmare
\cd+ Added an automatic pistol upgrade
\cd+ Gave the grenade launcher an actual grenade firing altfire
\cd+ Added a Vital Scanner upgrade, which lets you see an enemy's health
\cd and the damage you deal to them
\cd+ Added a new debugging cvar
\cd+ Added a payout system, where you get paid based on percentages
\cd when you beat a level or hub
\cd+ Added an Auto Reload upgrade, which loads your guns for you while
\cd they're not selected
\cd+ Added a Laser Shotgun weapon to the shop
\cd+ Added a Sniper Rifle weapon to the shop
\cd+ Added a knife which replaces the fist
\cd+ Added menu sounds and a smallfont replacement
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_2_Page2
\cj| Made the pistol do more damage
\cj| Probably fixed more crashes
\cj| Made combat rifle spit blood better
\cj| Made the cannon a bit easier to aim
\cj| Fixed revenant missiles changing state when adrenaline is activated
\cj| Fixed all the crashes ever probably
\cj| Changed the pistol's capacity to 14 rounds instead of 7
\cj| Moved murderous enemies to the Extra Hard skill
\cj| Fixed not being able to pick up weaons sometimes
\cj| Made the pistol, rocket launcher and shotgun's firing animations better
\cj| Fixed the spiral rocket attack not being strong enough and not doing
\cj damage to Cyberdemons
\cj| Gave the Gauss Rifle 5 extra rounds
\cj| Fixed scopes being offset wrong
\cj| Buffed the rocket launcher's attacks
\cj| Nerfed the shotgun's attacks
\cj| Fixed the barrier powerup acting weirdly sometimes
\cj| Fixed flashes not showing up on players in co-op
\cj| Reduced file size by compressing music
\cj| Made the punctuator cannon's attacks pitchable
\cj| Buffed bosses quite a bit
\cj| Buffed some weapons
\cf(\ciJan. 19, 2017\cf) \cjFrom \cn1.0\cj to \cf1.1\cj:
\cd+ Added an indicator for weapons that take ammo and ones that have
\cd magazines
\cd+ Added reloading to the rifle, which now has a 40-round magazine that
\cd must be reloaded but doesn't take ammo
\cd+ Added the Defensive Mini Nuke upgrade
\cd+ Made the player explode on death in singleplayer, togglable
\cd with lith_sv_revenge
\cd+ Gave grenades a small smoke trail
\cd+ Added weapon readying sounds to the Former Human and Former
\cd Sergeant
\cd+ Added the Adrenaline Injector upgrade
\cd+ Moved the HUD into an upgrade, so it can be disabled (also gives you
\cd extra score)
\cd+ Gave the Mancubus a new attack
\cd+ Gave the Cyberdemon a new attack
\cd+ Added powerups to the shop
\cd+ Added a score multiplier view to the upgrades shop so you can see
\cd what gives how much
\cd+ Added the Instant Death downgrade
\cd+ Added reloading to the Gauss Shotgun (now Gauss Rifle), which has a
\cd 10-round magazine
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_1_Page2
\cd+ Added a settings page to the CBI which lets you set up CVars
\cd+ Gave the Hell Knight a new attack
\cd+ Gave the Omega Cannon new sprites, new effects and better balance
\cd+ Added the Reactive Armor 2 upgrade
\cd+ Added the Omega Railgun upgrade!
\cd+ Gave the Shotgun new sprites/animations by Sgt. Shivers
\cd+ Gave the Megasphere and Soulsphere new sprites
\cd+ Added a custom Teleport Fog effect
\cd+ Gave the Baron of Hell a new attack
\cd+ Made the Blur Sphere into a Barrier powerup
\cd+ Added fun
\cj| Fixed the laser rifle making too many particles, destroying FPS (sadly
\cj it doesn't look as nice anymore)
\cj| Fixed a potential script overrun in the first tic that could cause
\cj weird bugs
\cj| Fixed deselecting the Punctuator Cannon while scoped breaking things
\cj| Fixed the Blue Skull Key giving a wrong pickup message
\cj| Made inputs a bit snappier
\cj| Improved scope visuals
\cj| Fixed enemies not giving score on XDeath
\cj| Changed the price of Torgue Mode
%% LITH_TXT_UPDATE_1_1_Page3
\cj| Changed the amount of score the base upgrades take, making it easier
\cj to obtain score
\cj| Improved GUI behaviour
\cj| Fixed powerups not having the correct sound
\cj| Improved the Charge Launcher description
\cj| Nerfed the Gauss Rifle and the Combat Rifle further
\cj| Made the Charge Launcher better
\cj| Tweaked prices on upgrades
\cj| Fixed cannon explosion sounds sometimes not playing
\cj| Nerfed the Reactive Armor
\cj| Probably fixed a ton of crashes
\cj| Fixed there not being a space inbetween pickup messages and the
\cj forward arrow
\cj| Fixed a bunch of things not alerting monsters
\cj| Fixed inconsistencies log messages
\cj| Made the scope on the Combat Rifle's burst fire mode optional (disabled
\cj by default)
\cj| Fixed the Lost Souls giving too much Score
\cj| Added Thing ID validation to the player, which should possibly fix more
\cj advanced ZDoom maps breaking