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// Copyright © 2016 Project Golan
// See "LICENSE" for more information.
// Callbacks.
// If an x-macro is defined, this file will give info about callback types.
// Format: (sig, name, ret, arguments...)
// sig - Signal name.
// name - Identifier.
// ret - Return value of callback.
// arguments - Arguments of callback (vararg).
#if defined(Lth_X)
Lth_X(SIGDESTROY, destroy, void, struct Lth_Control *)
Lth_X(SIGCLICK , click, void, struct Lth_Control *)
Lth_X(SIGDRAW , draw, void, struct Lth_Context *, struct Lth_Control *)
Lth_X(SIGPSTDRAW, postdraw, void, struct Lth_Context *, struct Lth_Control *)
Lth_X(SIGUPDATE , update, void, struct Lth_Context *, struct Lth_Control *)
#undef Lth_X
#elif !defined(lithos3__Lth_callback_h)
#define lithos3__Lth_callback_h
#define Lth_Callback(name) ((Lth_Callback_t)(name))
#define Lth_Call(name, ...) \
do \
{ \
if((name).data != NULL) \
for(size_t cbIter = 0; cbIter < (name).size; cbIter++) \
(name).data[cbIter](__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
#define Lth_CallReverse(name, ...) \
do \
{ \
if((name).data != NULL) \
for(size_t cbIter = (name).size; cbIter > 0; cbIter--) \
(name).data[cbIter - 1](__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
#define Lth_ControlCall(ctrl, name, ...) \
Lth_ListForEach(Lth_Control *owner, ctrl->descendants) \
Lth_Call(owner->cb.name, __VA_ARGS__); \
Lth_Call(ctrl->cb.name, __VA_ARGS__)
// Type Definitions |
struct Lth_Context;
struct Lth_Control;
typedef void (*Lth_Callback_t)(void);
#define Lth_X(sig, name, ret, ...) \
typedef ret (*Lth_##sig##_t)(__VA_ARGS__);
#include "Lth_callback.h"
// Lth_CallbackSet
typedef struct Lth_CallbackSet
#define Lth_X(sig, name, ret, ...) \
struct { Lth_##sig##_t *data; size_t size; } name;
#include "Lth_callback.h"
} Lth_CallbackSet;